Neurology Flashcards
Subungual fibromas are seen in what neurocutaneous disorder?
Tuberous Sclerosis
Edrophonium is used to diagnose what neurological disorder?
Myasthenia gravis
(the drug is an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor)
What is the MOA of Sumitriptan?
5-HT1B and 1D agonist
A craniopharyngioma causes an upper or lower bitemporal hemianopia?
Lower Bitemporal hemianopia
(pit adenoma -> Upper)
Symptoms of Freidrich’s ataxia?
- Bilateral spastic paresis
- Loss of proprioception and vibration
(Same as SCD of cord) - Ataxia - intention tremor
Wernicke’s aphasia is a disease of what lobe?
Auditory agnosia, prospagnosia (inability to recognise faces) can be result of a lesion to what lobe?
Sensory inattention, apraxias (inability to perform a task when asked), astereognosis (tactile agnosia) and Gerstmann’s syndrome are caused by lesions to what lobe?
Describe Gerstmann’s syndrome
Lesion of dominant Parietal
- Alexia (comprehension of language)
- Aculculia (maths inability)
- FInger agnosia
- R-L disorientation
How is Freidrich’s ataxia inherited?
What neurocutaneous disorder may feature pheochromocytoma?
What drugs are 1st line for focal seizures?
- Lamotrigine and levitiracetam
What drugs are 1st line for myoclonic seizures?
- Men: Sodium Valproate
- Women: Levitiracetam
Sagittal sinus thrombosis has what sign on imaging?
Empty delta sign
What venous sinus thrombosis has an association with 6th and 7th cranial nerves?
Lateral sinus thrombosis
What sinus thrombosis is associated with trauma, infection and 3456 (eyes and trigeminal) CNs?
Cavernous sinus thrombosis
Treatment of ring-enhancing lesion
- Ceftriaxone
- Metronidazole
What drugs increase idiopathic intracranial hypertension?
- Tetracyclines
- Steroids
- Retinoids
- Lithium
What nerve abducts the thumb?
What are the features of Wernicke’s encephalopathy?
- Oculomotor dysfunction (nystagmus and/or Opthalmoplegia)
(LR palsy, conjugate gaze oalsy) - Gait ataxia
- Encephalopathy (confusion, disorientation, indifference, inattentiveness)
- Peripheral sensory neuropathy
What are the features that would give Korsakoff syndrome?
- Amnesia (mem loss)
- Confabulation
Muscle spasticity in MS is treated with what?
- Baclofen (muscle relaxant)
- Gabapentin
A lesion in the left trochlear nerve would cause a head tilt toward what side?
Right side
Post stroke meds
- Clopidogrel
- Statin
If clopidogrel contra-indicated:
- Aspirin + MR dipyridamole
Ischaemic stoke management
- Aspirin 300mg
- Thrombolysis (within 4.5 hrs)
- Thromobectomy (within 6 hrs or 24 hrs)
What autoimmune disease may cause bilateral facial nerve palsy and bilateral parotid gland enlargement?
Foul smelling discharge from ear can indicate what?
What subtype of GBS has descending wekaness, areflexia, opthalmoplegia and ataxia?
Miller-Fisher syndrome
A subdural and epidural bleed may require what surgery?
Burr hole evacuation
How is MG diagnosed?
Antibody screen
Diplopia and vertical gaze palsy is a feature of what Parkinson’s plus syndrome?
Diabetes insipidus (cranial) may cause what visual disturbance?
Bitemporal hemianopia (lower)
What drugs (or class of drugs) may help in rigidity in Parkinson’s?
Antimuscarnics - Procyclidine
What Parkinoson’s drugs have the highest side-effect profile?
Dopamine agonists (e.g bromocriptine)
Give an example of a MAO-B (Monoamine Oxidase-B) inhibitor - used in Parkinson’s
Selegiline (inhibits breakdown of dopamine secreted by dopaminergic neurons)
Give an example of COMT (Catechol-O-Methyl Transferase) inhibitors (enzyme involved in breakdown of dopamine) can be used as adjunct to levodopa?
Entacapone, Tolcapone
Treatment of DCM?
Decompressive surgery
MG treatments? (management + crisis) (5)
- Pyridostigmine (long-acting acetylcholin
- Immunosuppression
- ?Thymectomy
- Plasmapheresis
What nerve extends the wrist?
What brainstem stroke affects CN V (ipsilateral)?
What brainstem stroke affects CN VII VIII (ipsilateral)?
AICA - lateral pontine
MOA of ondansetron
5-HT3 antagonist
What diet is good for epilepsy
What antiemetic is contraindicated in long QT
Thickened skin (shagreen patches are a feature of what neurocutaneous disorder)
Tuberous sclerosis
A surgical neck of humerus fracture is likely to cause a lesion in wjat nerve?
What brainstem stroke can cause an ipsilateral Horner’s ?
Withdrawing from pain indicates an M of what on GCS?
Hand above clavicle indicates an M of what on GCS?
Intubate at what GCS?
Blood resuts show what on Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome
- Increased WCC (also pyrexia)
- Increased CK
A positive Rombergs indicates an issue where?
Dorsal columns
Immediate management of pituitary apoplexy
IV Hydrocortisone
What is the timings for stopping anti-epileptics
- Seizure free for > 2 years
- AEDs being stopped over 2-3 months
Adenoma sebaceum is a feature of what neurocutaneous disorder?
Tuberous Sclerosis
What response may be preserved in an optice nerve lesion?
Consensual response
A total vs a partial anterior circulation infarct can be decided based on the patient have either 2 or 3 symptoms. What are these 3 symptoms?
1 Unilateral hemiparesis and/or hemisensory loss of face/arm/leg
2. Homonymous hemianopia
3. Higher cognitive dysfunction (e.g. dysphagia)
What is L’hermitte sign?
Electrical shock sensation on flexion of neck
- Seen in MS, DCM, cervical spondy
McArdles sign is what?
Impaired gait and muscle weakness with neck flexion
- Seen in MS
What muscles are spared in MND?
What is the most common form of hereditary peripheral neuropathy?
What is the predominant management of CMT?
PT and OT
What nerve has sensation of palmar aspect of thumb?
Axillary freckles are a feature of what neurocutaneous disorder?
What nerve root is affected:
- Finger abduction weakness
- Medial aspect of elbow numb
The adductor pollicis (thumb adduction) is controled by what nerve?
Is ICP headache worse when lying flat or upright?
Lying flat worse
- Also remember it worsens with Valsalva
What index measures Disability post-stroke?
Barthel index
Paroxysmal Hemicrania (unilateral headache occuring multiple times a day) is treated with what?
Name a commonly prescribed mab for MS?
Name a commonly prescribed drug for ALS?
Types of MND
- ALS (LMN signs in arms, UMN in legs)
- Primary Lateral sclerosis (UMN signs only)
- Progressive muscular atrophy (LMN signs)
- Progressive Bulbar palsy (tongue, chewing, swallow)
What type of MND has the best prognosis?
Progressive Muscular Atrophy
What type of MND has the worst prognosis?
Progressive Bulbar palsy
What anti-epeliptic causes bleeding gums and lymphadenopathy?
Topiramate causes what in a child (teratogenic effect)
Cleft lip and palate
How is stroke assessed in ED (scoring system)
Syringomelia has what 2 main signs?
- Loss of pain and temp sensation in cape-like distribution
- Wasting of small hand muscles
What drug is prescribed to prevent vasospasm in SAH?
What is the condition similar and often associated with syringomyelia but in the medulla and affecting the face and tongue / swallowning?