Neurology Flashcards
What is CP?
A group of disorders caused by a non progressive disturbance of the developing brain affecting movement and posture as well as activity limitations and associated disturbances.
What is the pathophysiology of organophosphate poisoning?
Acetylcholinesterase inhibitor - acetylcholine not broken down = increased parasympathetic sx = hypersalivation, bronchospasm, lacrimation, muscle weakness, headache, slurred speech, ataxia, confusion
How do you treat organophosphate poisoning?
Atropine to reverse cholinergic signs
Pralidoxime (cholinesterase reactivator)
What is the definition of microcephaly?
Less than two standard deviations below the mean for race, age and sex
What is the definition of microcephaly?
More than 2 standard deviations for race, age and sex.
How does cerebral palsy present?
> UMN signs = increased tone (spastic/rigid), increased reflexes, pathological reflexes
Developmental delay (motor/global)
+/- microcephaly
abnormal movements (dystonia)
What is the dilemma of imaging in CP patients?
The imaging can identify the point in development when the insult occurred, but it cannot indicate the CAUSE
What neurogenetic disorders mimic cerebral palsy?
Dyskinetic disorders
>mitochondrial disorders
>glucose transport defects
>brain iron accumulation
>organic acid disorders
Spastic disorders
>hereditary spastic paraplegias
>lysosomal storage disorders
>disorders of forebrain cleavage
>migrational disorders
What are the general principles of the management of CP patients?
> Individualise
If a child sits independently before age 2, he will walk
Activity based rehab interventions induce neuroplasticity
Very early intervention, close to the time of incident, optimises neuroplasticity
90% of movement potential is achieved by 5years of age or less if severe
there is no single treatment that will allow a patient to jump from one level up to another
What are complications of cerebral palsy?
What are the risk factors for developing CP?
>poor maternal health
>genetic predisposition
>ANC bleeding
>poor maternal health
>small for GA
>environmental factors
>vascular (AVMs, strokes, thrombosis)
What are the signs of raised intracranial pressure?
> vomiting
bulging fontanelle
diastasis of sutures
worse on lying down
worsened by coughing/sneezing
wakes child from sleep
What are the associated problems with CP?
Intellectual impairment
Learning disabilities
Language disorders
Vision and hearing abnormalities
Behavioural problems
What are some possible clinical features of cerebral palsy?
> hypertonic = fisting, leg scissoring, equines deformity
truncated hypotonia = asked head lag, opisthotonus due to excessive truncated and nuchal tone
brisk deep tendon reflexes = positive babinski reflex,
What is the differential diagnosis of a floppy infant?
> sick child
- malnutrition
-any acute illness
-UMN - cerebral/cerebellar,
-LMN - muscular dystrophy, spinal muscular atrophy, NMJ
What are the signs of UMN lesions?
NOT weak
Evidence of CNS involvement (delayed milestones)
What are signs of LMN lesions?
Absent/decreased reflexes
Weak/decreased power
What is epilepsy?
> /= 2 unprovoked/reflex seizures >24hours apart
One unprovoked seizure and a probability of >60% of further seizures over the next 10 years
Diagnosis of an epilepsy syndrome
What is an epilepsy syndrome?
Seizure types + specific EEG patterns + brain imaging + genetic profile = cluster of features with recognisable pattern = determines further investigations + specific treatment
What is a febrile seizure?
Seizures in children between 6months and 5 years in association with fever but without evidence of intracranial infection0
How are febrile seizures classified?
Simple febrile seizures
Complex febrile seizures
What’s the difference between simple febrile seizures and complex febrile seizures?
>generalised tonic cloning
>lasts <15mins
>doesn’t recur within 24hrs
> usually >15mins
>cluster of 2+ in 24hrs
How do you manage febrile seizures?
Identify cause = exclude meningitis with LP
No CT/MRI/EEG warranted
>antiepileptic drugs long term is NOT indicated unless complex = phenobarb
>rectal diazepam