Neurological Testing Flashcards
How many spinal nerves?
8 cervical
12 thoracic
5 lumbar
5 sacral
= 30
What do neurological tests evaluate?
Afferent (from CNS) and efferent (to CNS) impulses, and their integration.
A skin area innervated by the sensory fibres of a single nerve root.
Pain in a dermatome may indicate spinal damage or neurological stenosis
Abnormal narrowing in blood vessel or other tubular organ or structure.
Peripheral nerve field
Similar to dermatome but innervated by peripheral nerves instead or dorsal root.
What are the cervical level dermatomes?
C1 top of cranium C2 posterior/lateral head/occiput C3 lateral neck C4 upper traps, AC joint C5 over deltoid C6 thumb/radial side of wrist C7 posterior forearm to tip of middle finger C8 tip of little finger/ulnar side of wrist T1 medial elbow.
What are the spinal level dermatomes?
L1 inguinal area L2 upper 1/3 anterior thigh L3 medial knee L4 lateral knee to medial malleolus L5 lateral low leg to dorsum of big toe S1 heel/lateral foot.
Group of muscles primarily innervates by motor fibres of a single nerve.
Cervical spine myotomes
C1/C2 neck flexion C3 lateral flexion of neck C4 shoulder shrug C5 arm abduction C6 elbow flexion/wrist extension (waiter wrist) C7 elbow extension/wrist flexion C8 thumb extension T1 finger abduction/adduction
Spinal level myotomes
L1 none L2 hip flexion L3 knee extension L4 ankle dorsiflexion L5 extension of big tow S1 plantar flexion/ eversion.
Deep tendon reflexes
Assess functioning of nerve or nerve root supplying reflex.
Caused by stretching muscle spindle, which synapses through sensory neurons to spinal cord and back through motor neurons, contracting muscle.
If tendon reflex absent ..
… may be indication of spinal cord, nerve root, peripheral nerve, or muscle has been damaged.
If tendon reflex abnormal …
… May be due to disruption of sensory or motor nerves (or both).
Repetitive vibratory contraction of the muscle that occurs in response to muscle stretch.
Tendon reflex scale
0 absent 1+ trace 2+ normal 3+ brisk 4+ non sustained clonus 5+ sustained clonus