Movement Assessment Flashcards
Active Range of Motion
AROM. Movement within the unrestricted ROM produced by active contraction of the muscles crossing the joint.
Assessed contractile tissue.
Does not increase strength, skill or coordination (except on movement patterns used).
Performed by client
Range of Motion
End-to-end distance of a specific joint movement that is structurally possible.
Passive ROM
Movement within unrestricted ROM produced entirely by external force. No voluntary muscle contraction. May be difficult if client conscious.
Usually greater than AROM.
Primarily assess non contractile tissue. Assess hypo/hyper mobility.
Will also stretch contractile tissue.
Limited by pain.
Does not prevent atrophy, increase strength or endurance, or assist circulation as much as AROM.
What to observe in AROM
Is it the correct action?
Can client complete full ROM without compensation?
Quality of movement
Facial expression.
What to observe in PROM
Quality of movement
Can full ROM be completed
If block present, what is end feel?
Facial expression.
Passive Over Pressure
Passive ROM that assessed end range of joint after AROM
Therapist observation during POP
Quality of AROM Can client complete full ROM without compensation Does POP have more ROM? Normal end feel? Facial expression.
Active Assisted ROM
A type of ROM where assistance is provided by an outside force because the prime mover needs assistance to complete the movement.
Resisted ROM
RROM. Also Active Resisted ROM (ARROM)
Movement within the unrestricted ROM produced by active contraction of muscle crossing joint against external resistance.
Can be tested isometrically or isotonically (eccentric/concentric)
If pain during RROM
Injury to muscle or tendon
If weak contraction during RROM
Weak muscle, peripheral nerve injury or partial rupture of muscle or tendon.
Charting ROM
Star diagram
AROM squiggly line
PROM straight line.
ROM Assessment Proceduee
First: AROM
Second: PROM
Third: RROM