Neurological Conditions Flashcards
What is a TIA and what are the nutritional considerations
Transient ischemic attacks (TIA)
Brief attacks of cerebral dysfunction with no
persistent defect
Often seen preceding a stroke
Nutritional considerations
Risk reduction – HTN, Glycemic control, lipid profile
What is a stroke?
Cerebrovascular Accident (Stroke): acute onset
of focal or global neurological deficit for >24hrs,
caused by disease/damage to extracranial neurovasculature. Can resolve/improve over time.
Nutritional considerations
The degree of deficit influences the impact on intake.
What are the effects of stroke and the nutritional concernes?
Dysphagia – problems swallowing food, drink or saliva
Aphasia – problems speaking, listening, reading or writing
Dysarthria – weakness or paralysis of the muscles used for speaking, might make speech difficult to understand
Apraxia – messages between the brain and mouth are disrupted. Can be difficult for the patient to coordinate
mouth movements when speaking
Personality or behavioral changes
Problems with thinking and perception
Neglect – weakness or ignoring one side of the body
Nutritional concerns:
* Main concerns are weight loss, anorexia, dehydration à malnutrition
* Feeding ability
* Effective communication
* Retaining education given
* Behaviour change
ABCDE For Stroke Risk reduction
What are some important things in the assessment for stroke risk reduction?
Anthro: weight hx, body comp, waist circumference
Biochem: Endocrine
evaluation – Hb1Ac, TFTs
Lipid Profile
Clinical: Management of co-morbidities, Medications, Physical activity
Dietary: Current dietary patterns, Eating behaviours, ETOH intake
Psychosocial: Support from
family/friends, Stress levels, Cultural/social, influences, Health/nutrition, literacy
Readiness to change
ABCDE Assessment for stroke treatment
Anthro: weight Hx
Biochem: Endocrine
evaluation – Hb1Ac, TFTs
Lipid Profile
Clinical: Clinical status
Management of
Deficits – swallow,
feeding, LoC (level of conciousness)
Malnutrition Ax
Dietary: Current dietary
Eating behaviors
Texture restrictions
adequacy of
Psychosocial: Support from
Stress levels