Neurological Assessment Flashcards
Alert, Verbal, Pain, Unresponsive
AVPU is a simplified version of the GSC and should be done at a bare minimum
Full Consciousness
Pt. is alert attentive, follow commands, responds properly to external stimuli if asleep and once awake remain attentive
When spontaneously breathing you measure LOC through orientation to three (time, place, and person)
Pt. is drowsy but remains partially awaken to stimuli
Will answer and follow commands but does so slowly and inattentively
Difficult to arouse and needs constant stimulation to follow a simple command
Can have a verbal response of one or two words
Will drift back to sleep between stimulation
Will arouse to vigorous and continuous stimulation, typically painful stimulus is required
Only response if trying to withdrawal from stimuli
Patient does not response to stimuli
Only response is possibly a reflux
Glasgow Coma Scale
Most widely used instrument to quantity neurological impairment
Scale goes from 3 (deep coma) to 15 (fully awake)
If intubated place a T after the score to indicate why they placed lower in the verbal response
GCS of 12-15
GCS of 12-15=Non ICU observation
GCS of 9-12
GCS of 9-12=Significant insult
GCS Less than 9=Severe coma and requires endotracheal intubation as patient is no longer awake enough to protect their own airway
If intubated place a T after the score to indicate why they placed lower in the verbal response
GCS Less than 9
GCS Less than 9=Severe coma and requires endotracheal intubation as patient is no longer awake enough to protect their own airway
GCS-Motor Response
Score of 6-Obey Commands
Score of 5-Localized Pain: Will use other appendage to stop the painful stimulus and is higher level response as opposed to withdrawal
Score of 4-Withdrawal: Attempt to pull away from painful stimuli
Score of 3-Abnormal Flexion: Arms come up and curl and toes will curl over tends to be bilateral
Score of 2-Abnormal Extension: Arms extend and tends to be a bilateral extension
Score of 1-Flaccid: No response completely limp
GCS-Verbal Response
Score of 5-Oriented
Score of 4-Confused
Score of 3-Inappropriate Words
Score of 2-Inappropriate Sounds
Score of 1-No Response
Poorly suited for patients with impaired verbal response (e.g., aphasia, hearing loss, tracheal intubation)
If intubated put a “T” after the level (e.g. 5 T) because it will affect their score as they cant score higher than 1)
GCS-Eye Opening Response
Score of 4-Spontaneously
Score of 3-To Speech
Score of 2-To Pain
Score of 1-None
Glossopharyngeal Nerve
Cranial Nerve IX
Controls-Gagging, Swallowing (Sensory), and Taste
Assessed through oral care
Vagus Nerves
Cranial Nerve X
Controls-Gagging, Swallowing, Speech and Cough
Assessed through suctioning
Protective Refluxes
Gagging is not a protective reflux becuse it can make a person aspirate
Coughing is a protective reflux
Phrenic Nerve
C3, 4, 5 keep the diaphragm alive!
C4 Breaths no more
C5 still working-enough intact that you can still breath
Motor Strength
Assess bilaterally on a scale of 0 (no movement) to 5 (full range of motion with strength)
In the unconscious patient it is assessed by applying a noxious stimuli and assessing the response
Central stimulation-sternal rub; squeeze trapezius
Peripheral stimulation (nail bed pressure) can be reflexive in nature and not a good assessment for motor function
A full motor exam is typically done by the physician and out of the scope of the RTs role
Abnormal Flexion
Abnormal Extension
Deep Tendon Reflex
Also known as the patellar reflex
Evaluates the spinal nerves and done in someone with a spinal injury
Superficial Reflex
The plantar reflex should be done in a comatose state or with injury in the lower spinal cord
All reflexes should be tested with someone who has a spinal injury
Brainstem Reflexes
Will be done in comatose/stupor pt. to see if brain death has occurred
Includes protective reflexes such as the gag, cough, and corneal response
Sedatives, analgesics, and paralytics can all interfere with the ability to assess and motor function and reflexes