Neurological Flashcards
Structure of CNS
Cerebral Cortex Frontal lobe Parietal lobe Occipital lobe Wernicke’s area Broca’s area
Basal ganglia Thalamus Hypothalamus Cerebellum Brainstem Spinal Cord
Pathways of CNS
Crossed representation
Sensory Pathways
Motor Pathways
Corticospinal or Pyramidal Tract
Extrapyramidal Tracts
Cerebellar system
Upper and Lower Motor Neurons
Peripheral Nervous System
Cranial Nerves
Spinal Nerves
Autonomic Nervous System
Reflex Arc
Components of Neuro Exam
Cerebral Cranial Nerves Cerebellar and Proprioception Sensory Reflexes
Incoordination Numbness or tingling Difficulty swallowing Difficulty speaking Significant past history Environmental/ occupational hazards Headache Head injury Dizziness/Vertigo Seizures Tremors Weakness
Penlight Tongue blade Cotton swab Tuning fork Percussion hammer Occasionally need: familiar aromatic substance
General Cerebral Functions
General Appearance & Behavior Level of Consciousness Intellectual Performance Emotional Status Thought Content
Cranial Nerves
I Olfactory II Optic III Oculomotor, IV Trochlear, VI Abducens V Trigeminal Motor function Sensory function VI Facial Motor function Sensory function VIII Acoustic IX Glossopharyngeal, X Vagus Motor function Sensory function XI Spinal Accessory XII Hypoglossal
Inspect and palpate Muscles
Muscles Size Strength Tone Involuntary Movements
Coordination and Skilled Movement s
Finger to Nose Finger to Nose and Examiners Finger Rapid Alternating Movements Heel down shin Shallow Knee Bend Gait Romberg Tandem Walking
Sensory Function
Person is alert, cooperative, comfortable Spinothalamic tract Pain Temperature Light touch
Sensory Function: Posterior column tract
Posterior Column tract Vibration Position (Kinesthesia) Tactile Discrimination (Fine touch) Stereognosis Graphesthesia Two-point discrimination
Sensory system
Superficial Tactile Sensation Superficial Pain Sensitivity To Temperature Sensitivity to Vibration Deep Pressure Pain Motion and Position
Technique Grading Reinforcement Biceps reflex Triceps reflex Brachioradialis reflex Quadriceps reflex
Achilles reflex
Superficial reflexes
Abdominal reflex
Cremasteric reflex
Plantar reflex
Grading reflexes
0 no resposne
1+ Diminished, low normal
2+ Average Normal
3+ Brisker than average, may mean disease
4+ Very brisk, hyperactive with clonus, indicative of disease
Testing CN I
Cover one nostril and ask the pt to smell a particular scent c their eyes closed
Inflammation of the mucus membrane, allergic rhinitis, and excessive tobacco smoking interfere c sense of smell
Abnormalities of CN III, IV and VI
CN VI is the first to lose function in the incidence of increased cranial nerve pressure