Neurologic- nerve and DRG compression Flashcards
What is a reversible neurobiomechanical joint dysfunction as local or systemic pathology which alters homeostasis and diminishes adaptive efficiency of whole person?
Nerve interference
What is a reversible physiopathologic state with errors in energy expenditure that interfere with nervous system function and thus organ function resulting in decreased productivity, reactivity and regulation of organs?
Hidden etiology interferes with nervous system and organ function
Who came up with the 3 types of nerve interference?
What are the 3 types of nerve interference?
Who came up with the neurologic theories of receptor stimulation, nerve compression, reflex effects and supraspinal effects?
What is pressure on a nerve either direct or indirect?
Impinging a nerve usually increases of decreases function due to irritation?
Who stated that subluxation can cause spinal nerve root compression and injury?
What areas are most susceptible to nerve compression with subluxation according to Hadley?
Cervical and lumbar
What are MOST sensitive to compression?
Nerve roots
What do nerve roots lack that peripheral nerves have?
Connective sheath
Nerve roots and sheath occupy what percent of the IVF cross-sectional diameter?
What percent is the remaining IVF diameter of loose areolar CT, adipose and other vascular and neural structures?
What may displace neural complex laterally into IVF by traction?
Spinal distortion
What is an accessory ligament especially common in the lumbar spine that compartmentalize the IVF into a lattice that vessels and nerves must thread through?
Transforaminal ligaments
TFLs may decrease the functional S-I diameter of the IVF by how much?
Who came up with the ectopic impulse hypothesis?
What hypothesis states that deformation sites can be sites where ectopic nerve impulses are generated?
Ectopic impulse hypothesis- spontaneous depolarizations that give rise to both orthodromic and antidromic impulses
Orthodromic impulses are in the ______ direction
Antidromic impulses are in the _____ direction
Lateral transmission aka
Ephaptic or cross talk
What are 5x more sensitive to mechanical stimulation than peripheral nerves?
A significant irritating factor to the DRG would be?
Injury/inflammation of the z-joints
When inflamed, DRG become ______ and can give rise to spontaneous discharges
Spinal cord compression/ traction aka
Compressive myelopathy
BJ Palmer is credited with the beginnings of what hypothesis through his HIO technique and related research?
Spinal cord compression hypothesis
What are common myelopathy symptoms?
Numbness and paresthesia
Transient Paraplegia
Subluxations in the upper cervical spine can cause stabilizing attachments of the _______ to distort the spinal cord by traction, affecting lateral columns. Who hypothesized this?
Dentate ligaments; Grostic
What muscle has a tissue bridge between Occ and C1?
RCP minor
What muscles have a tissue bridge between C1 and C2?
RCP major and Oblique capitis inferior
What can increase the risk of SIDS in some children?
Upper cervical misalignment