Neuroimmuno Flashcards
MOA of natalizumab
monoclonal Ab against alpha-4-integrin cellular adhesion molecule
binds lymphocytes and stops them from adhering to blood vessels in brain and gut
risk of developing PML on natalizumab
1 in 1000
higher with prior immunosuppression, using other immunosuppressants, and after 2 years of continuous use
+ JC virus antibodies even higher risk
what to do if anaphylaxis to natalizumab
common - 1 in 50 patients by 4th dose will get
STOP infusion, treat anaphylaxis, DO NOT RESTART natalizumab. It’s over.
symptoms of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy. MRI? what to do if you suspect PML?
aphasia, visual field deficits, headache, hemiparesis, cognitive dysfunction over weeks
MRI shows focal subcortical lesions in multiple brain areas, may look like MS lesions
if PML suspected, stop natalizumab, check JC virus PCR, and start PLEX to clear remaining natalizumab
transverse myelitis - presentations and causes
subacute myelopathy, seems to be immunologic
sensory level, weakness, back pain, bowel/bladder dysfunction
may occur after viral illness, Mycoplasma infection, or vaccination, often not preceded by illness
FDA approved to improve walking in patients with MS
FDA approved to improve walking in patients with MS
Oppenheim syndrome in MS
MS patient relapses, can move their hand but think it’s useless.
Pulfrich’s sign in MS
can’t follow moving objects visually, lateral motion looks like it has a depth component
alemtuzumab MOA and side effects
anti CD-52 - cellular mediated lysis of B and T cells
risks of hyperthyroidism and ITP
if MS patient on this med wants to become pregnant, need a cholestyramine washout prior to conception because it’s teratogenic
MS drug that is safe in pregnancy
glatimer acetate
MS drug that has risk of bradycardia and need 1st dose monitoring
Lhermitte’s sign associated with lesion where
cervical cord demyelination
middle aged man develops focal seizures involving right face and arm lasting seconds - synchronous jerking of face and arm. remains conscious during these but they dont respond to AEDs. then he becomes confused and has memory loss. diagnosis?
LGI1 limbic encephalitis - faciobrachiodystonic seizures
doesn’t respond to AEDs but responds to immunotherapy