Cognitive/Behavioral Flashcards
cant navigate familiar places, draw maps
localizes to nondominant posterior parahippocampal region, nondominant parietal lobe
optic ataxia + oculomotor apraxia + simultanagnosia
Balint’s syndrome
bilateral parieto-occipital region
“where” pathway
dorsal visual pathways
parieto-occipital regions
“what” pathway
ventral visual pathways
cortical blindness + confabulation
Anton’s syndrome
bilateral medial occipital lobes
blind person with vivid hallucinations, but they know it’s a hallucination
Charles Bonnet syndrome
alexia without agraphia (AKA pure word blindness)
disconnection syndrome
lesion in dominant PCA territory, often involving splenium (so words cant get transmitted to Broca’s area)
will have contralateral homonymous hemianopia
patient can’t understand when people talk to them, but they can speak normally and reading comprehension is fine
verbal auditory agnosia (pure word deafness)
hearing is fine, but can’t comprehend auditory language
bilateral middle superior temporal gyri (spares Wernicke’s area)
disrupted connections between primary auditory cortex (Heschl’s gyrus) and temporal lobe association cortices
can’t comprehend, can’t read, can’t repeat
fluent, nonsensical speech
Wernicke’s aphasia
agnosia to sounds, like animal sounds or environmental sounds
nonverbal auditory agnosia
bilateral anterior temporal lobe lesions
patient can write fine, but speech is fragmented and effortful. brief phrases, paraphasic errors. can’t repeat. can comprehend fine.
aphemia - pure word mutism
verbal apraxia
different from Broca’s because retained ability to to write and comprehend written language
lesion to dominant frontal operculum
can’t speak, write, name, or repeat. can comprehend fine
pure Broca’s expressive aphasia
posterior inferior frontal gyrus
severe dysarthria + bilateral VOLUNTARY paralysis of lower cranial nerves, preserved involuntary and emotional innervation (will laugh at joke, yawn fine but can’t voluntarily smile on command)
Foix-Chavany-Marie syndrome
patient speaking fluently, nonsensically, comprehension impaired. but can repeat and has echolalia. recent hypotension
transcortical sensory aphasia
watershed infarct MCA-PCA territory or thalamic lesion (thalamic aphasia), Alzheimer’s
basically Wernicke’s but with intact repetition
patient can’t verbalize besides few 1-2 word phrases, can’t write. can comprehend and can REPEAT
transcortical motor aphasia (like Broca’s but with intact repetition)
watershed infarcts in ACA/MCA sparing connections between Wernicke’s and Broca’s, but messing up connections between Broca’s and supplementary motor area
normal speech, normal language comprehension, normal naming. CAN’T REPEAT
conduction aphasia
lesion in internal arcuate fasciculus (connects Wernicke’s to Broca’s)