neuroimaging Flashcards
fMRI terminology :
session: single participant time into the fMRI in a day without leaving the machine
can have multiple runs
run : single fMRi recording ( 5-12 min )
can have multiple blocks
block : fMRI recording to a specific continuous condition
Advantages of fMRI
higher spatial resolution compared to other -_> allow for new types of analysis
non invasive –> high benefit low risk
easier to train people compared to other neuroimaging
anatomical voxel
smaller than the fucntion
spatial resolution, structural and functional voxels
spatial resolution : ability to detect differences, both structural and functional, across different location fo the map
for structural MRI
- spatial resolution means distinguishing afferent brainn areas ( the smallest structural change it can detect )
- voxel is smaller (0.05 to 1.5mm3)
pros: higher precision for restricted hypothesis
cons : low signal to noise ration, require more time for acquisition
functional MRI
- spatial resolution means the precision it can pinpoint activity on a map
- bigger voxel ( 2-3mm3)
pros: lower time , bigger noise to ration
cons: partial volume effect
partial volume effect
in fMRI bigger voxel can cause the machine to record acticity of voxels form different structural tissues, functional regions and slices os belonging to the same voxels
solution: use smaller voxels nd slices, use slower frequency
fictional resolution
the smallest detectable difference in two different bold activation
signal to noise ratio
the ration between activity in target area divided by external noise ( ex: physical motion)
contrast to noise ratio
the difference between two activated area divided by the (external ) noise
different within of firm have different contrats to noise ratios
dynamic Contrast to noise ratio OR functional signal to noise ratio
difference within the same voxel in activation across time or different condition
what to take into account for betewtr functional signal to noise ratio
since it is a measure depend experimental manipulation , make sure the manipulation is effective with the right stimulus –> ex: hone checking for the activation for FFA do not use the rest as control condition but use another visual stimulus
consider that different areas of the brain have different natural amount fo noise over time
thermal noise
variation detection of single due to fluctuation of electrons either in the field or in the machine
increases with temperature and field strength
truly random ( so can be decreased with averaging
mass motion ( mostly head )
if motion is larger than one voxel it is critical
motion artefact can be decomposed into 3 coordinates ( x,z,y with respect to anterior commissure ) and 3 movement components (and roll, jaw , pitch ) that can be used ars regressor of no interest to correct for the artifact
instructing the participant is fundamental ( can also have sham session to train) , also can be aided with some physical measure like padding
can also correct during preprocessing using realignment
inter subject variability source of noise
people differ in RT and also BOLD signal ( especially in some more evolutionarily new areas that present more connectivity difference across subject s)
validity problems as source of noise
RT is just a proxy
also different people might implement different strategies
general solution of increase signal to noise ratio
use PCA And ICA
use filtering ( careful it can cut out important frequency )
increase field strength ‘??????
averaging by the number of trials