Neurogenetics Flashcards
Describe the different kinds of signs/maneuvers that can help evaluate neuromuscular disease.
Gowers' Maneuver (rolls over to get up from laying down; uses hands to pull up stairs) Trendelenburg gait (weakness of abductor muscles of lower extremity noted with waddling gait or on stairs)
generalized weakness and muscle wasting
generally affects hips, pelvic muscles, and thighs first
first presenting sign may be difficulty climbing stairs or arising from the floor (Grower’s maneuver), though delayed motor milestones, abnormal gait (toe-walking), and speech delays/LD are also seen
some degree of static cognitive impairment (specifically deficits in short-term/working memory; deficits in executive function which takes some time to emerge)
scoliosis develops in most after loss of ambulation
+/- cardiomyopathy
eventually the heart and lungs are also affected leading to respiratory and cardiac failure
DMD associated conditions (general)
Describe the difference in onset of Duchenne vs Becker Muscular Dystrophy.
Duchenne- onset of symptoms 2-4 years; wheelchair bound before 13 y/o; lifespan into 4th (sometimes 5th) decade
Becker- onset variable; wheelchair bound >16 y/o (though some remain ambulatory throughout life); lifespan very variable
How are DMD associated conditions diagnosed?
Clinical phenotype and elevated CK
Molecular genetic testing (tier 1- CNVs in the dystrophin gene; tier 2- full DMD sequencing; X-linked) - DMD typically is associated with out of frame exonic deletions; in frame exonic deletions typically are associated with BMD
Immunofluorescent staining with dystrophin antibody on muscle biopsy (only if genetic etiology is not found)
What kinds of management are recommended for boys with DMD associated conditions.
Chronic, low dose corticosteroids
Follow-ups with GI/nutrition (for dysphagia) and pulmonology (for diaphragmatic dysfunction)
ECHO at diagnosis and periodically as per recommendations of cardiology
Beta blockers/ACE inhibitors (for cardiomyopathy when/if it is identified)
Orthopedic management/rehab/appropriate assistive technology/PT/bracing (these approaches only prolong muscle function)
Psychosocial care
Endocrinology (for growth/adrenal insufficiency/bone health due to the chronic steroid use)
What new treatments are now available for DMD associated conditions?
exon skipping (For reading frame deletions- changes from Duchene to Becker by restoring the reading frame) available for exon 51 and exon 53; other exons are in clinical trials Premature stop-codon read-through (Ataluren/Translarna- aminoglycoside derivative that allows for read-through of early nonsense mutations) ONLY IN EU
progressive weakness that begins in the proximal limb muscles (facial and proximal muscle weakness with arms>legs) onset ranges from childhood to adulthood elevated CK (2000-5000) dystrophic changes on muscle biopsy cardiomyopathy nocturnal hypoventilation absence of bulbar symptoms normal brain MRI and IQ
Limb Girdle Muscular Dystrophy
AD or AR, but genetically heterogeneous- note that this is typically a purely descriptive diagnosis with many subtypes that are not easily distinguished between
progressive weakness that begins in the proximal limb muscles (especially affects the scapular muscles in the early stages)
onset between 3-15 y/o; may loose ambulation on average ~15 years after onset (though some remain ambulatory)
elevated CK
normal intellectual development
Sarcoglycanopathies (LGMD R3-R6)
four distinct genetic causes (not clinically distinguishable)- SGCA, SGCB, SGCG, SGCD
AR (so males and females affected equally)
myotonia; delayed relaxation of voluntary contraction
slowly progressive weakness (distal > proximal)
early onset posterior subcapsular cataracts
arrhythmias; cardiomyopathy
diabetes; hypothyroidism; decreased fertility in males
spectrum of learning disabilities to severe ID
Myotonic Dystrophy Type I
Describe the three clinical subdivisions of Myotonic Dystrophy Type I.
Mild- likely will only have extra-muscular findings
Classic- extra-muscular findings and spectrum of muscle involvement
Congenital- neuromuscular symptoms from birth/infancy
Describe the inheritance of Myotonic dystrophy.
RNA mediated condition CTG repeat disorder of the DMPK gene- normal- 5 to 37 premutation- 38 to ~49 (onset 20-70's) mild- 50 to ~150 (onset 10-30's) classic- ~100 to ~1000 congenital- ~1000 to >2000 (nearly all cases are inherited from affected mother who may only have subclinical symptoms)
polyhydramnios and decreased fetal movement
Neonatal period-
severe generalized hypotonia multiple joint contractures/arthrogryposis present at birth in some
significant facial diplegia
respiratory insufficiency; prolonged ventilatory support with inability to wean off
Childhood (those that survive)-
gradual improvement of motor function
usually able to walk
mild to moderate ID
Congenital Myotonic Dystrophy
myotonia; slowly progressive weakness; proximal>distal
early posterior subcapsular cataracts
arrhythmias, AV conduction block, cardiomyopathy (rare)
diabetes, hypothyroidism, decreased fertility in males
white matter changes; executive decision-making dysfunction
Myotonic Dystrophy Type 2
intronic tetranucleotide CCTG expansion in the CNBP gene (repeat size 75-11000)
Repeat size cannot predict severity
NO anticipation; repeat size can contract over generations and can expand during lifetime (increases with age)
severe hypotonia and weakness at birth
high CK (»1000)
independent walking not achieved in complete deficiency (complete absence of merosin staining on muscle biopsy); ambulation possible with partial merosin deficiency
mild neropathy
white matter changes/leukoencephalopathy on MRI
higher incidence of seizures, but intellectually normal
Merosm Deficient Congenital Muscular Dystrophy
Previously diagnosed on CVS with merosin staining
significant hypotonia and weakness; initially contractures not obligatory
absent or temporary ambulation
CK normal to high
characteristic coexistence of very significant distal hyperlaxity and proximal contractures
kyphoscoliosis, torticollis, hip dislocation, talipes
palmar softness, proximal keratosis pilaris, abnormal scars
early respiratory compromise (nocturnal hypoventilation)
Ullrich Congenital Muscular Dystrophy
AR or de novo AD
congenital joint contractures and torticollis may be present but often resolve
CK normal to mildly elevated
after initial joint hypermobility, new development of contractures (achilles tendons, elbows, deep finger flexors, pectoralis, quadriceps)
very slow, progressive contractures may become a major problem +/- late loss of ambulation
palmar softness, proximal keratosis pilaris, abnormal scars
restrictive lung disease, nighttime hypoventilation
Bethlem Myopathy
Mostly AD (de novo) but few are AR
congenital presentation wtih variable weakness and evolving contractures, high CK
cobblestone lissencephaly (type 2) which can be mistaken for polymicorgyria, abnormal tectum and ponto-cerebellar malformation, hydrocephalus, encephalocele
seizures are common
Lifespan 1-3 years
Walker-Warburg Syndrome
POMT1 (also other genes associated)
congenital weakness, progressive contractures and weakness high CK cobblestone lissencephaly that can be misread as polymicrogyria; cerebellar dysplasia; abnormal white matter myopia, optic nerve hypoplasia seizures (40%); severe ID cardiomyopathy respiratory failure Lifespan ~10 year
Fukuyama Congenital Muscular Dystrophy
neonatal hypotonia and variable weakness
high CK
delayed milestones, but may walk
by 5 years deterioration with contractures, weakness, and spasticity
visual impairment (high myopia, cataract, glaucoma, progressively abolished ERG, retinal detachment)
cobblestone lissencephaly that can be “polymicrogyria-like”, occipital agyria, abnormal tectum, pontocerebellar hypoplasia, cerebellar cysts, abnormal white matter
mild to severe ID
Muscle-Eye-Brain disease
POMGnT1 (plus others)
severe hypotonia, early selective muscle hypertrophy
high CK
facial and proximal weakness (arms>leg)
respiratory failure and often cardiomyopathy
normal brain imaging
normal to mild ID
Congenital Muscular Dystrophy
adult onset slowly progressive
face, shoulder, girdle, and upper arms affected
elevated CK (>1500)
myopathic EMG
non-specific myopathic changes on muscle biopsy
Facio-Scapulo-Humeral Muscular Dystrophy D4Z4 repeat of the DUX4 gene normal 11-100 units disease 1-10 units (gain of function) MUST happen on 4qA haplotype to be disease causing
List the different kinds of “classic: congenital myopathies.
Nemaline myopathy (named for Nemaline rods on muscle biopsy)- mostly AR; some AD
Centronuclear/myotubular myopathy (named for their muscle biopsy characteristic finding)- AD, AR, or XL (MTM1 gene)
Central core disease (“punched out lesion” look in the muscle fibers)- AD or AR
Multi/minicore myopathy (have small central cores on muscle biopsy)- mostly AR, some AD
NOTE- genetically heterogeneous with a broad phenotypic spectrum
onset in neonatal period with hypotonia that improves with age
slender habitus, atrophic muscles
delayed motor milestones (though they do improve)
generally non-progressive in childhood
nocturnal hypoventilation possible
typically normal CK
Classic Congenital Myopathies (common phenotype for all genes- difficult to distinguish clinically)
Diagnosed taking into consideration exam with muscle biopsy and/or genetic testing
long face, facial weakness, neck weaknes
diaphragmatic involvement
shoulder/arm weakness is more significant than the pelvic/leg weakness
Nemaline myopathy
diagnosed on muscle biopsy (looking for Nimaline rods)
variable phenotype with mild to moderate presentation most commonly…
mild hypotonia during early infancy
delayed motor milestones
generalized muscle weakness, quite stable
hip dislocation, spinal deformities, arched feet, pectus excavatum
Severe phenotype is typically lethal
Mild is adult onset (almost asymptomatic)
Central core disease
severe hypotonia and weakness at birth
distal arthrogryposis, congenital fractures
respiratory insufficiency (can result in neonatal death); decreased respiratory reserves; frequent infections
poor suck and swallow, dysphagia
tend to remain non-ambulatory
Central Core Disease- severe neonatal presentation
mostly AR in RYR1 gene
Muscle biopsy will most often show central cores, more dystrophic changes with less clear cores, or other muscle pathology findings
transient muscular rigidity, hyperthermia, rhabdomyolysis that is triggered by halogenated anesthetics, succinylcholine
Malignant Hyperthermia
RYR1 gene mutations (50% of cases), CACNA1S, and 4 other loci
acutely managed with dentrolene
Can often be found in association with Central Core disease
feeding difficulties, failure to thrive hypotonia, reduced movements respiratory infections *hypertrophic cardiomyopathy* enlarged tongue and liver hearing loss *high CK* average onset between 1.6-2 m/o average age at death between 6-8.7 m/o (without treatment)
Pompe Disease (GSD II/acid maltase deficiency/acid alpha-glucosidase deficiency) Classic infant form
GAA gene
<1% residual enzyme activity
Treatment with Genzyme is less effective than in later onset forms- may require immunomodulating therapy to prevent antibody development
distal weakness
muscle cramps
heart and liver only sporadically affected
respiratory and motor dysfunction may not correlate
onset from childhood to 60’s
morbidity and mortality predominantly from respiratory compromise
Pompe Disease (GSD II/acid maltase deficiency/acid alpha-glucosidase deficiency) Non-classic childhood/juvenile/adult forms GAA gene AR 1-30% residual enzyme activity Treated with Myozyme/Lumizyme (Genzyme)
onset prior to 6 months
progressive degeneration and loss of the anterior horn cells in the spinal cord and brain stem nuclei
severe symmetric muscle weakness and atrophy (though has facial muscle sparing)
never sit or roll
poor head control, gross motor delays, weight loss due to sucking and swallowing difficulties, and respiratory distress
“jug handle position” of arms
tongue fasciculations, absence of DTRs
death or full time respiratory support by 2 y/o without treatment
Spinal Muscular Atrophy Type 1
SMN1 (95% deletion)
onset prior to 18 months
progressive degeneration and loss of the anterior horn cells in the spinal cord and brain stem nuclei
symmetric muscle weakness and atrophy
slow gain of motor milestones with ability to sit but never walk independently
refusal to bear weight, may sit normal to late, difficulty reaching above head
general flacidity
postural finger tremor, tongue fasciculations
lack of DTRs
decreased life expectancy without treatment, typically from respiratory infections
Spinal Muscular Atrophy Type 2 (Dubowitz)
SMN1 (95% deletion)
onset in childhood
progressive degeneration and loss of the anterior horn cells in the spinal cord and brain stem nuclei
symmetric muscle weakness and atrophy
are able to walk, but eventually lose the ability
difficulties ascending and descending stairs at 2-3 y/o
proximal muscle weakness
lower extremities more severely affected than upper
depressed/absent DTRs
more variable- earlier may have delayed running/jumping; later has falls and fatigue
+/- polymyoclonus
life expectancy near normal (even without treatment)
Spinal Muscular Atrophy Type 3 (Juvenile/ Kugelberg-Welander)
SMN1 (95% deletion)
present from birth with respiratory failure requiring intubation
marked hypotonia
minimal spontaneous muscle movements (only with painful stimuli)
no suck, gag, or grasp reflexes
multiple contractures
abnormal echogenicity in streak like pattern in all muscles on US with notable fasciculations
death within the first few weeks of life
Spinal Muscular Atrophy Type 0
SMN1 (95% deletion)
normal milestones
onset of weakness after 30 y/o with muscle atrophy
tongue fasciculations
depressed DTRs
very slow progression with no loss of ambulation
Spinal Muscular Atrophy Type 4 (Adult)
SMN1 (95% deletion)
How do we test for Spinal Muscular Atrophy?
Tier 1 test is genetic testing when suspected on physical exam and history
EMG and NCV test- gives us information regarding denervation, diminished motor action potential amplitude, regular spontaneous motor unit activity
Muscle Biopsy- shows denervation, no other structural abnormalities, no storage material, no dystrophic changes
How is SMA treated?
- Antisense oligonucleotide based treatment (restores exon 7 inclusion in SMN2)- Spinraza/nusinersen (intrathecal injection) vs Evrysdi (oral)
- gene therapy- Zolgensma/Onasemnogene (AVXS-101) administered by IV injection
typically present in infancy or early childhood (rarely in adulthood)
fatigable weakness involving ocular, bulbar, and limb muscles
CK normal or minimally elevated
no cardiac or cognitive involvement
positive repetitive stimulation test
Genetic Congenital Myasthenic Syndromes
AD or AR
some treatable with acetylcholine esterase inhibitors (Mestinon) and/or the potassium channel blocker 3,4-diaminopyridine (3,4-DAP)
Distal muscle atrophy and weakness (feet more affected than hands)
abnormal sensation (paresthesias, loss, proprioception)
‘drop foot’ gait, hammertoes, high arches, thinning below the knees
Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease (peripheral neuropathy disorder)
genetically heterogeneous but phenotype is very similar across all types
How are Charcot-Marie-Tooth Diseases classified?
CMT1- demyelinating with AD inheritance (decreased conduction velocities <35 m/s)
CMT2- axonal with AD inheritance (conduction velocities normal, but reduced amplitude)
CMT4- axonal or demyelinating with AR inheritance
CMTX- axonal or demyelinating with XL inheritance
symmetric, slowly progressive distal neuropathy (length-dependent progression: fingers and toes affected first)
distal muscle weakness and atrophy, weak ankle dorsiflexion, depressed DTRs, pes cavus
most remain ambulatory (~5% loose ambulation)
mild to moderate distal sensory loss
onset between ~5 to 25 y/o
Charcot-Marie-Tooth Syndrome Type 1A
1.4 Mb duplication at 17p12 encompassing PMP22 gene (reciprocal to HNPP)
Treated symptomatically with bracing, orthopedic surgery, adaptive shoes, etc) and avoidance of obesity and DM; clinical trials have been thus far unsuccessful
episodic paresthesias and numbness triggered by pressure on nerves (such as backpacks)
muscle weakness and atrophy that is recurrent and focal
age of onset in 2nd or 3rd decade
rarely seen with pes cavus
Hereditary Neuropathy with liability to Pressure Palsies
1.4 Mb deletion encompassing PMP22 gene (reciprocal to CMT1A)
Describe the approach to testing for suspected peripheral neuropathy disorders.
Can consider CK level to rule out other kinds of neuromuscular conditions (especially if distal weakness is present without other clear signs)
Electrophysiologic studies (EMG/NCV)- delineates between axonal v demyelinating v intermediate neuropathy
Genetic testing per electrophys results-
Demyelinating- PNP22 del/dup first; if negative, then demyelinating panel, then exome
Axonal- panel first; if negative then exome
Intermediate- comprehensive peripheral neuropathy panel (CMT) first; if negative then exome
lower limb spasticity and weakness (increased tone in certain muscles with weakness in others)
+/-hypertonic bladder
mild decrease of lower extremity vibration sense
onset between childhood to adulthood
Uncomplicated Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia (HSP) genetically heterogeneous (MANY genes with all types of inheritance reported)
lower limb spasticity and weakness ataxia seizures cognitive impairment amyotrophy peripheral neuropathy onset between childhood and adulthood
Complicated Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia (HSP) genetically heterogeneous (MANY genes with all types of inheritance reported)
How is Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia treated?
Botox for spasticity
PT/OT (known to mitigate symptoms)
assisted ambulation devices
urinary frequency medication (if hypertonic bladder is present)
learning and behavioral problems (between 4-10 y/o)
progressive cognitive decline
progressive incoordination
new onset adrenal dysfunction
survival only a few years after symptom onset (with no treatment)
X-linked Adrenoleukodystrophy- Cerebral Form
Treated with BMT prior to onset of neurological symptoms
onset in early adulthood to middle age
progressive stiffness and weakness in legs
sphincter disturbances; sexual dysfunction
+/-changes in behavior and thinking
adrenocorticol insufficiency
+/-severe neurological compromise
Females with mild-moderate spastic paraparesis in middle age or later with typically preserved adrenal function
X-Linked Adrenoleucodystrophy- Adrenomyeloneuropathy Form
cerebellar ataxia dysarthria \+/-cognitive decline \+/-spasticity \+/-sensorineural hearing loss \+/-retinal findings wide range of severity and age at onset
Spinocerebellar ataxias (General) significant clinical overlap- typically you will not be able to distinguish each type clinically Genetically heterogeneous with all inheritance types having been described (including repeat expansion)- multiple methods of genetic testing are needed (NGS will not detect most of these variants so you need WGS and repeat expansion testing) Adult onset is usually AD
Movement (involuntary)-chorea (non-repetitive, non-periodic jerking of limbs, face, or trunk), dystonia, rigidity, slowness, unsteady gait, weight loss
Memory- cognitive decline/dementia, difficulty with attention and planning, impaired judgement, lack of insight
Mood- personality changes, impulsivity, irritability, anxiety, depression
Average age of onset in the 40’s with disease duration about 15 years
Huntington Disease
HTT gene; CAG repeat disorder with anticipation (expansion especially with paternal inheritance); increased repeats is associated with earlier onset symptoms
10-25% have NO family history
Describe the repeat levels for Huntington Disease.
Normal (unaffected)- <28 repeats Intermediate (unaffected)- 28-35 Reduced-penetrance (may be affected)- 36-39 Full-penetrance (affected)- >40 Juvenile Onset- typically >50
onset before 20 y/o severe mental deterioration slowness, rigidity, dystonia, muscle spasms (chorea not as common) speech and language delays rapid decline seizures
Juvenile Huntington Disease
HTT gene; CAG repeats
How is Huntington Disease Diagnosed?
Unified HD Rating Scale (for early and mid stages) assesses (scored 0/normal to 4/severe)…
-Motor function (fist hand palm, tongue protrusion, and finger taps)
-Cognitive function
-Behavioral abnormalities
-Functional capacity
Natural Progression-
- Pre-symptomatic/Stage 0 (free of detectable clinical sign or symptom)
- Prodromal/ Stage 1 (subtle changes prior to the actual diagnosis being made, subtle motor signs, minor decline from premorbid level of function but may not be detectable, apathy/depression/behavior changes)
- Stage 2 (may still work, mostly independent, may need help with finances and chores)
- Stage 3 (no longer able to work, cannot do chores/finances/personal care)
- Stage 4 (need 24 hour care)
- Stage 5 (largely bedbound; full time nursing requirements)
How is Huntington Disease managed?
Symptomatic (anti-epileptics, tetrabenazine, benzos can help with chorea; anti-Parkinson drugs can decrease rigidity/slowness BUT increase chorea; PT/OT/ST for gait imbalances and dysphagia; ongoing support and care) Lifestyle (regular schedules; healthy diet and exercise, avoidance of drugs/alcohol) Multidisciplinary approach/HDSA Centers of Excellence (neurology, psychiatry, social work, genetic counseling, therapy, counseling, nutrition) Investigational treatments (gene-silencing with ASO or iRNA; stem cell)
What is the process of getting HD testing?
Contact 1- Telephone conversation to discuss insurance/protections of GINA, confirm diagnosis in the family/genetic testing results, understand motives
Visit 1- genetic counseling including family history (understand their journey/story/preconceived notions and misconceptions), confirm diagnosis, review genetic principles (AD inheritance and risk for pt specifically, general DNA description and CAG repeat, repeat ranges, and review anticipation), risks/benefits/limitations, explore experience and perception, discuss potential burden/reaction; documentation of informed consent, neurological exam (for baseline); mental health assessment (current emotional state, ongoing psych problems/stressors or needs for emotional support, ways to address emergency treatment/support)
Visit 2- in person disclosure of results (EARLY in the session); recommend support person during visit (typically someone who is not also at risk or does not have a bias); establish the next mode of contact (ALWAYS at least a telephone reach out to check in) and answer any questions
Follow-up- within a few weeks, provide resources PRN, discuss clinical trials, provide additional visits PRN
progressive degeneration disease that causes a variety of neurological symptoms (including memory, thinking, and behavior)
defined by tau and beta-amyloid plaques on autopsy
Alzheimer’s Disease
Not well defined genetic etiology at this time (but we do know some potential genetic RISK factors- APOE4 has 3-5 fold increase in hets and 10-15 fold increase in homo- but gender and ethnicity still play a role in risk)
Describe the genes that are associated with Early Onset Alzheimer’s Disease.
APP (10-15%)
PSEN1 (30-70%)- most likely in individuals with onset <60 AND a fhx with EOAD (average age of onset 40-5), rapid progression, can have associated neuro symptoms (seizures myoclonus), G206A Caribbean Hispanic founder mutation
PSEN2 (<5%)
All are AD and fully penetrant
onset 45-65 y/o
Changes in behavior (apathy or unwillingness to talk, changes in personality and mood, lack of inhibition or lack of social tact, obsessive behaviors, usually verbal/physical/sexual behaviors)
Changes in language (less common but do occur in early stages with difficulty speaking/word finding and eventually leads to virtually mute)
Frontal Lobe atrophy, ventricular dilation, some hypocanthal atrophy
Fronto-Temporal Denentia (General)
Many subtypes that can all overlap
20-50% of persons with FTD have a positive family history
*most important/highly involved genes
Describe the subtypes of FTD.
Behavioral Variant (changes in personality, judgement, inhibition, and mood)
Primary Progressive Aphagia (loss of speech/word-finding/comprehension)
Movement (corticobasal syndrome, progressive supranuclear palsy, FTD with ALS/motor neuron disease)
Describe the condition(s) associated with C9orf72.
most common cause of FTD (5% sporadic and 15-20% familial FTD)
most common cause of ALS (5-10% sporadic and 25-50% familial ALS)
Positive pathogenic variants increases risk for one OR both in the same person
Pathology shows TDP-43 protein on autopsy
Describe the inheritance pattern associated with C9orf72.
Hexanucleotide repeat (GGGGCC)
normal- <30 repeats
abnormal- >30 repeats (most individuals who are affected with FTD or ALS have >1000)
Describe the condition(s) associated with MAPT.
MAPT (microtubule associated protein tau) is associated with AD fully penetrant FTD with onset 40-60 y/o
Variable phenotype with possibility of Parkinsonism
Pathology shows abnormal tau protein accumulation in the brain
Also associated with Pick’s disease
Describe the condition(s) associated with GRN.
GRN (Progranulin) gene is associated with FTD (mutations result in early termination/haploinsufficiency) that presents with…
rage of onset 30-80 (average 60 y/o)
penetrance may appear reduced due to later onset in some
Pathology negative for Tau proteins but positive for TDP-43
upper motor neuron signs( hyperreflexia, spasticity) AND lower motor neuron signs (weakness, atrophy, fasciculations)
progressive spread to other regions
+/- dysarthria and dysphagia
average lifespan 2-3 years after clinical dx
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
C9orf72 expansions, SOD-1, VCP, TARDBP, several others (FUS, UBQLN2, VCP)
AD (some AR and XL have been described)
5-10% of ALS is familial
tremor stiffness/rigidity slowness/bradykinesia impaired balance and posture loss/decrease of automatic movements (blinking, smiling, swinging arms when walking) speech changes (hypophonia) writing changes (small writing) anosmia constipation, urinary symptoms anxiety/depression, impaired sleep, cognitive impairment orthostatic hypotension
Parkinson Disease
LRRK2 (AD with RP), GBA (AD with RP), PARK4,5,8,10,17,18 (classic PD; AD- rare), PRKN (AR with early onset), PARK7 (AR with early onset), PARK14 (AR with early onset), PARK15 (AR with early onset), SNCA (AD with early onset)
Degeneration of dopaminergic neurons in substantia nigra (creates deficiency in dopamind mediated movements)
Pathology shows Lewy bodies (abnormal accumulations of alpha-synuclein)
What are the risk factors for PD?
males age brain injury toxins genetics (some) first degree relative with PD
How are PD symptoms treated?
medication (e.g. L-dopa especially good for AR PD)
surgery (deep brain stimulation)
Describe the inheritance of PD.
majority is sporadic
multifactorial, though recent genetic changes have been identified that can contribute
10-15% familial and 5-10% attributed to variants in single genes (can be AD with full OR reduced penetrance, AR, or X-linked -rare-)
Describe the range of onset for PD.
Juvenile: <20 y/o
Early onset: 20-50 y/o
Adult onset: >50 y/o (typically around 60 y/o)
Describe the condition(s) associated with PARK2 (PRKN).
AR, Juvenile and young onset PD
Defined by prolonged and milder course of disease than typical PD (and neuropathology not consistent with standard PD) with good response to oral L-dopa
carriers may have increased risk of late onset PD
Describe the condition(s) associated with SCNA.
SCNA (Alpha-synuclein protein) is a (rare) gene associated with AD Parkinson disease
leads to the understanding of the role of alpha-synuclein protein as disease causing in lewy bodies
List the genetic causes of hereditary dementia?
Parkinson Disease Inherited prion disorders (PRNP) Lewy Bodie Dementia CADASIL and other small vessel diseases Alexander Nieman Pick Fahrs (basal ganglion degeneration disease) Neuroacanthocytosis