Neurodevelopmental Disorders Flashcards
Neurodevelopmental Disorders include
Intellectual disabilities and learning disabilities.
What are 3 major symptoms of ADHD?
- Inattention
Behavior: Often fails to give close attention to details or makes careless mistakes, cannot sustain attention, does not listen when spoken to, does not follow through on instructions. What major symptom of ADHD is that?
Behavior: Fidgets with hands or feet, leaves seat in classroom when sitting is expected, inappropriate and excessive running or climbing, talks excessively. What major symptom of ADHD is that?
Behavior: Blurts out answers before question is complete, cannot wait turn, often intrudes or interrupts others. What major symptom of ADHD is that?
Behavior: Has impaired eye-toeye gaze and facial expressions, fails to develop peer relationships, lacks sharing interests. What major symptom of Autism spectrum disorder is that?
Impaired social interaction
Behavior:Has impaired or severeley delayes speech; language use issterotypical or repetitive. What major symotom of Autisum spectrum disorder is that?
Impaired Communication
Behavior: Shows preoccupation and repetitive interests or behaviors (such as finger or hand flapping), inflexible routines or rituals.
Repetitive and stereotypical behaviors
What are the 3 major symptoms of Autisum spectrum disorder?
- Impaired social interaction
- Impaired communication
- Repetitive and stereotypical behaviors
To receive the diagnosis of ADHD, the child must have displayed these symptoms before age…?
Between what percent to what percent of American school children meet the diagnostic criteria for ADHD?
True or False? ADHD begins in childhood, but some symptoms continue into adulthood.
The overall prevalence of adult ADHD is what percent to what percent across the lifespan?
true or false? vaccines can cause autism.
Autism spectrum disorder are extremely sensitive to
sensory stimulation