Neurodevelopmental Disorders Flashcards
> 1 Intellectual and adaptive functioning deficits in conceptual, social, and practical domains:
following 3 must be met:
- Deficits in intellectual functions confirmed by clinical assessment and standardized intelligence tests
- Deficits in adaptive functioning leading to failure to meet developmental standards for independence and social responsibility
- Onset during the developmental period
• Specifiers:
- Mild, moderate, severe, profound
Intellectual Disability
• Individuals ≤5 years when fails to meet developmental milestones in several areas, and are unable to undergo an assessment of intellectual functioning (including kids too young to participate). Note: This category requires re-assessment
Global Developmental Delay
• Individuals ≥5 years when assessment by means of locally available procedures is difficult due to sensory/physical impairments. Reserved for exceptional circumstances and requires re-assessment after a period of time.
Unspecified Intellectual Disability
• Persistent difficulties in acquisition/use of language, onset during the developmental period, includes the following:
- Reduced vocab
- Limited sentence structure
- Impairments in discourse
• Deficits quantifiably below expected for age resulting in functional limitations
• Not attributable to sensory impairment, motor dysfunction, medical/neuro conditions, and not better explained by intellectual disability or global developmental delay
Language Disorder
• Persistent difficulty with speech sound production that interferes with speech intelligence or prevents communication, onset during the early developmental period:
• Interferes with social participation or performance
• Not attributable to congenital/acquired conditions
Speech Sound Disorder
• Disturbances in normal fluency/time patterning of speech inappropriate for age and language skills, persists, onset in early developmental, needs ≥1:
- Sound and syllable repetitions
- Sound prolongations of consonants
- Broken words
- Audible or silent blocking
- Circumlocutions
- Words produced
- Monosyllabic whole-word repetitions
- Anxiety about speaking
Childhood-Onset Fluency Disorder (Stuttering)
• Difficulties in the social use of verbal/non-verbal communication, onset in the early developmental period, difficulties in:
- Communication for social purposes
- Changing communication to match the context
- following rules for conversation
- understand what isn’t explicitly stated
• Not attributable to medical/neuro condition, or low abilities in language domains, or autism/ intellectual disability
Social (Pragmatic) Communication Disorder
• Deficits in social communication and social interaction across multiple contexts, present in the early developmental period, causing impairment in function, demonstrated by deficits in:
- Social-emotional reciprocity
- Nonverbal communicative behaviors
- Developing/maintaining relationships
• Restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, and activities, at least ≥2:
- Stereotyped or repetitive motor movements, use of objects, or speech
- Insistence on sameness
- Restricted interests
- Hyper/hypo-reactivity to sensory input
• Specifiers:
- severity
- with/without accompanying intellectual impairment
- with/without accompanying language impairment
- assoc with a known medical or genetic condition
- assoc with another neurodevelopmental, mental, or behavioral disorder with catatonia
Autism Spectrum Disorder
• Inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity that interferes with function, characterized by A) and/or B):
A ) Inattention, ≥6 (for adults ≥ 5) of the following for ≥6 months, not solely a manifestation of oppositional behavior, defiance:
- Fails to give close attention to details
- Difficulty sustaining attention
- Doesn’t seem to listen when spoken to
- Doesn’t follow instructions
- Difficulty organizing
- Avoids tasks that require sustained mental effort
- Loses things
- Easily distracted
- Forgetful
B ) Hyperactivity and impulsivity, ≥6 (for adults ≥5) for ≥6 months:
- Fidgets
- Leaves seat when seated is expected
- Runs/climbs when inappropriate
- Unable to play quietly
- “On the go” or “driven by a motor”
- Talks excessively
- Blurts answers before question completed
- Difficulty waiting turn
- Interrupts/intrudes others
•Several inattentive / hyperactive-impulsive symptoms present prior to age 12, in ≥2 settings, interfering with function
•Not exclusively during the course of psychotic disorder, or another mental disorder
• Specifiers:
- Predominantly inattentive, predominantly hyperactive/impulsive, or combined
- In partial remission (fewer than full criteria met for past 6 months, still causing dysfunction)
- Severity: mild (few symptoms, minor impairment), moderate, severe (many symptoms, marked impairment)
Symptoms characteristic of ADHD, cause significant distress but doesn’t meet full criteria, and you want to communicate the reason
Other Specified ADHD
Symptoms characteristic of ADHD, cause significant distress but doesn’t meet full criteria, and you don’t want to communicate the reason
Unspecified ADHD
• Difficulties learning, with ≥1 of the following difficulties for at least 6 months (despite the provision of interventions to target):
- Inaccurate/slow reading
- Understanding the meaning of what is read
- Spelling
- Written expression
- Mastering number sense or calculation
- Mathematical reasoning
• The affected skills are quantifiably below expected for chronological age
• Begin during school age years
• Specify: with impairment in reading, written expression, OR mathematics
• Specify severity: mild (1-2 domains, can compensate with services), moderate (1-2 domains, marked difficulties), severe (severe difficulties in several domains)
Specific Learning Disorder
Motor skill execution is below the expected chronological age, manifested as clumsiness and inaccuracy:
• Significantly interferes with activities of daily living, onset during early development
• Not better explained by intellectual disability, visual impairment, or a neuro disorder
Developmental Coordination Disorder
• Repetitive purposeless motor behavior
• Behavior interferes with social, academic, or activities and may result in injury
• Onset is an early developmental period, not due to effects of a substance or neuro condition
• Specifiers:
- With or without self-injurious behavior
- Associated with a known condition
- Severity: mild (suppressible), moderate (requires behavior modification), severe (continued monitoring required)
Stereotypic Movement Disorder
• Both motor and vocal tics (although no necessarily concurrent)
• Onset before 18 years, tics wax/wane in freq, but ≥1 since tic onset, not due to substance/medical condition
Tourette’s Disorder
• Motor OR vocal, but not both, for ≥1 year since onset, onset before 18 years, not due to substance/medical
• Specifiers: with motor tics only OR with vocal tics only
Persistent (Chronic) Motor or Vocal Tic Disorder
• Single or multiple motor and/or tics, starting before age 18, present for <=1 year
Provisional Tic Disorder
• Symptoms characteristic of tic disorder, cause significant distress, but don’t meet full criteria, and you want to communicate the reason
Other Specified Tic Disorder
• Symptoms characteristic of tic disorder, cause significant distress, but don’t meet full criteria, and you don’t want to communicate the reason
Unspecified Tic Disorder
• Symptoms characteristic of neurodevelopmental disorder, cause significant distress, but don’t meet full criteria, and you want to communicate the reason
Other Specified Neurodevelopmental Disorder
• Symptoms characteristic of neurodevelopmental disorder, cause significant distress, but don’t meet full criteria, and you don’t want to communicate the reason
Unspecified Neurodevelopmental Disorder