Mood Flashcards
• 1 manic episode (often preceded or followed
by hypomania and depressive episodes
• Expansive, or irritable mood AND increase
goal-directed activity
- either >1 week OR requiring hospitalization
• 3 symptoms of DIGFAST (or 4 if mood is only
• Distractible
• Indiscretion
• Grandiose
• Flight of ideas
• Activities
• Sleep deficit
• Talkative
• Manic episode that emerges during
antidepressant treatment but persists beyond
the physiological effect is bipolar 1
• Specifiers: See Right Column
• Hypomanic episode AND a major depressive
• No manic episode
• Specifiers:
1. current or most recent episode: hypomanic,
• More specifiers:
1. with anxious distress
2. with mixed features
3. with rapid cycling
4. with mood-congruent psychotic features
5. with mood incongruent psychotic
6. with catatonia
7. with peripartum onset
8. with seasonal pattern
▪ applies only to the depressive episodes
• More Specifiers:
9. in partial remission vs in full remission
• More Specifiers
1. mild vs moderate vs severe
Bipolar 2
• bipolar criteria developed during/after
intoxication/withdrawal of
substance/medication that produces
symptoms (not exclusively during delirium)
• Coding:
- alcohol, PCP, hallucinogen, sedative,
amphetamine, cocaine, other
• Specifiers:
1. with onset during intoxication vs with onset
during withdrawal
Substance/Medication Induced
Bipolar and Related Disorder
• Elevated, expansive, or irritable
mood ≥4 days
• 3 (or 4 if irritable) of DIGFAST
• Disturbance in mood/function is
observable by others, is
uncharacteristic, but not severe
enough to cause marked
• If psychosis or requires
hospitalization, it’s
automatically mania without
good prognostic features
• More Specifiers:
1. with catatonia
Hypomanic Episode
• 2 years (1 year if <18), hypomanic
and depressive symptoms that
never meet the criteria for hypomania
or major depression
- symptoms half the time, and
never 2 months without
• Specifiers:
1. with anxious distress
Cyclothymic Disorder
• Bipolar criteria that’s the
a consequence of another medical
• not exclusively during delirium
• Coding
• Specify the medical condition
Note: if met prior to the onset of
schizophrenia, add “premorbid”
Bipolar and Related Disorder
Due to Another Medical
• symptoms characteristic of
bipolar, causes
distress/impairment, but don’t
meet full criteria, and don’t want
to specify the reason
Unspecified Bipolar and
Related Disorder
• symptoms characteristic of
bipolar, causes
distress/impairment, but don’t
meet full criteria, and you want to
specify the reason
Other Specified Bipolar
and Related Disorder
• 5 of 9 SIGECAPS for 2 weeks (bereavement
exclusion removed):
At least one is 1) depressed mood or 2) loss
of pleasure.
3. Depressed mood (in kids: irritable)
4. sleep
5. interest
6. guilt
7. energy
8. concentration
9. appetite
10. psychomotor activity
11. suicidal ideation
Specifiers: See Right Column
Major Depressive Disorder / Episode
• Depressed mood or anhedonia secondary to
another medical condition
• Not better explained by another disorder
a. F.e.: adjustment disorder with depressed
mood, in which the stressor is a medical
• Not exclusively during delirium
• Specifiers:
1. With depressive features (full criteria not
2. With major depressive-like episode (full
criteria met)
3. With mixed features
Depressive Disorder Due to Another
Medical Condition
• Depressive symptoms, clinical impairment,
don’t meet criteria for another disorder, and
you want to communicate the reason
Other Specified Depressive Disorder
• Depressive symptoms, clinical impairment,
don’t meet criteria for another disorder, and
you don’t want to communicate the reason
Unspecified Depressive Disorder
• Depressed mood more days than not for ≥2
years (in kids can be irritable mood), requiring
≥2 of the following, never >2 months without:
- Appetite
- Insomnia
- Energy
- Self-esteem
- Concentration
- Hopelessness
• Clinically significant distress or impairment in
Persistent Depressive Disorder
Severe recurrent temper outbursts
(verbal/behavior) out of proportion to
• Inconsistent with developmental level
• 3 or more times/week
• Mood between outbursts is irritable or
• Present ≥12 months, never ≥3 months
• In at least 2 settings
• Can’t be made before 6 or after 18 years
old, but onset of criteria before 10 years
• Can’t have >1 day meeting full
hypomania/mania criteria, and don’t
occur exclusively during MDD or better
explained by another disorder (can’t coexist with ODD, IED, or bipolar)
Disruptive Mood
Dysregulation Disorder
• In most periods, ≥5 symptoms during
last week before starting period, start to
improve a few days after starting period,
and become minimal week after menses
• ≥1 symptom:
a. Lability
b. Irritability
c. Depressed
d. Anxiety
• ≥1 also present to total five including
a. Interest, concentration, energy,
appetite, sleep, overwhelmed, physical
Premenstrual Dysphoric
• Coding
a. By symptoms: Mild (2) vs
moderate (3), moderate
severe (4 or 5) vs severe (5
with motor agitation)
b. with psychotic features
c. in partial remission vs in full
d. unspecified
• Specifiers:
1. ex: bipolar 1 disorder, type
of current or most recent
episode, severity/psychotic/remission specifier and then:
▪ with anxious distress
▪ with mixed features
▪ full criteria for manic or
hypomanic and 3
symptoms of depression
▪ with rapid cycling (bipolar
▪ ≥4 episodes in 1 year
(either switch of polarity
or partial remission of at
least 2 months)
▪ with melancholic features
▪ loss of pleasure OR lack
of reactivity to
pleasurable stimuli
▪ 3 or more of
▪ despair or morose or
empty mood
▪ worse in the morning
▪ early morning
awakening (at least 2
▪ psychomotor agitation
or retardation
▪ anorexia
▪ guilt
▪ with atypical features
▪ with mood congruent
psychotic features
▪ with mood incongruent
psychotic features
▪ with catatonia
▪ with peripartum onset
▪ with seasonal pattern
Coding Bipolar &