Neurodegenerative Disorders Flashcards
Acquired global impairment of intellect, reason and personality without impairment of consciousness. Abnormalities of executive function.
Emotional lability and memory dysfunction are prominent manifestations = implies involvement of cerebral cortex and limbic system
Causes of dementia
Primary neurodegenerative disorders : Alzheimer’s disease, diffuse levy body disease , frontotemporal lobar degeneration , Huntington’s disease
Secondary causes : Cerebrovascular disease ( multi-infarct dementia ) , infection ( CJD/HIV) , drugs/toxins , metabolic disorders , vitamin deficiency ( Wernicke’s Korsakoff syndrome ) , paraneoplastic syndromes ( limbic encephalitis )
Explain Alzheimer’s disease
- Associated with age
- most cases sporadic but genetic predisposition is important because early onset is inheritable recognized with autosomal dominant forms
- Genes identified ; amyloid precursor
protein on chromosome 21, the PS 1 gene on
chromosome 14 and the PS2 gene on chromosome 1. - primary role for Aβ
protein amyloid accumulation, derived from abnormal cleavage of the
normal protein APP, encoded by the APP gene on
chromosome 21 as part of the amyloid cascade pathway.
Where is there predisposition to early onset Alzheimers
e4e4 in the Apo E gene on chromosome
What does the brain show in Alzheimer’s
severe cortical atrophy with narrowing of the gyri and widening of the sulci.
White matter loss is accompanied by
dilatation of the ventricular
system (compensatory hydrocephalus).
What is amyloid
proteins/ glycoproteins that may be deposited in tissues in EC locations
- associated with B pleated sheet conformation
- systemic forms associated with significant medical complications
- localized forms may be incidental or cause significant problems eg accumulation of amyloid in the myocardium and heart failure
What can Amyloid accumulation cause
Heart failure , nephrotic syndrome , organ enlargement ( ex: hepatospenomegaly )
Which amyloid is associated with Alzheimer’s
A-beta amyloid derived from amyloid precursor protein
How does amyloid stain on Congo red staining
salmon pink colour on congo red staining which exhibits apple green birefringence under polarised light
Where else other than Alzheimer’s can amyloid appear
predisposing to spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage
What is Parkinsonism
Impaired function of dopaminergic neurons projecting from substantia nigra to corpus striatum
What can CO poisoning cause
What mutations cause autosomal dominant Parkinson’s disease
Alpha synuclein gene mutations or duplications
What eugenic forms could cause PD
Parkin gene or UCHL1 , genetic changes in LLRK2 kinase or PARK 7 or PINK1
Substantia nigra is shown how in PD
Depigmentation of substantia nigra