Neurodegeneration Flashcards
What is neural loss?
- Type of cell death
- neuronal loss = hallmark of
- neurodegeneration
- Necrosis and apoptosis
What is necrosis ?
Tissue death resulting from damage, ischaemia or disease
Cellular & mitochondrial swelling &
loss of membrane integrity
Does not require energy
Influx of sodium & calcium ions
Eventual rupture of cell
Internal components discharged into
extracellular space - leads to
inflammatory response and reactive
gliosis (activation of glial cells)
Dead tissue phagocytosed by
Thought to be an unregulated
process, but evidence mounting to
suggest it may be regulated by
signalling pathways
What is apoptosis?
Programmed cell death. Essential for growth and development but also induced by CNS pathologies.
Characterised by cell shrinkage &
condensation of nuclear chromatin
Orchestrated by proteolytic
enzymes called caspases
Caspases dismantle neuronal
cytoskeleton and nuclear DNA in an
organised fashion (requires energy)
Viable mitochondria are packaged
into apoptotic bodies and are
internalised by neighbouring
No inflammatory reaction
What are important functions of apoptosis?
- Most newly formed nerves are primed to commit ‘cellular suicide’
(programmed cell death) unless rescued by trophic factors e.g. dorsal root ganglions are dependent on nerve growth factor (NGF) - During CNS development 50% of neurones are deliberately deleted if they fail to (i) reach their intended targets or (ii) fail to make
appropriate connections with other cells - Apoptosis also important for destroying injured or abnormal cells
e.g. damage to nuclear DNA is a trigger for apoptosis in order to prevent tumours
e.g. used by lymphocytes to sacrifice virus-infected cells
What are the causes of cell death?
Excitotoxicity, Oxidative stress , Nitric oxide
How does excitotoxicity cause cell death?
) Excitotoxicity
Excessive/prolonged stimulation by excitatory neurotransmitters
(e.g. glutamate) results in cell death. Leads to prolonged depolarisation and excessive intracellular Ca2+.
May lead to activation of harmful calcium dependent enzymes (e.g. phospolipases which impair integrity of cell membranes)
Low grade, chronic excitotoxicity may cause chronic neuronal
damage in some disorders e.g. motor neuron disease and Alzheimer’s disease.
How does oxidative stress lead to cell death?
Produces reactive oxygen
species (free radicals)
Can damage cell membranes,
proteins and DNA
Normally, scavenging mechanisms & molecules deal with free radicals e.g. superoxide dismutase & catalase.
Excess generation of free radicals or reduced capacity of scavenging system leads to oxidative stress
Leads to cell death (cross-linking)
Membrane damage
(lipid peroxidatjon)
Oxidative stress
Reactive oxygen species damage key cellular
components e.g. proteins, cell membrane
and DNA
How does nitric oxide cause cell death?
3) Nitric oxide
Nitric oxide gas is a free radical species
Plays a number of important physiological roles e.g
vasodilator, regulates inflammatory and immune response
* Excessive production of NO is a feature of excitotoxicity
May damage proteins by interacting with cysteine and
tyrosine residues
* Excessive production contributes to cell death in
neurodegenerative diseases, multiple sclerosis and stroke
What is neuronal repair?
- neuronal cells do not regenerate except in olfactory system
- ## Neural stem cells may have therapeutic potential
What are neurodegenerative diseases?
Heterogeneous group of progressive,incurable neurological disorders
that are more common later in life
*Alzheimer’s Disease (AD)
*Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
*Dementia with Lewy Bodies (DLB)
*Huntington’s Disease (HD)
*Multiple System Atrophy (MSA)
*Parkinson’s Disease (PD)
*Prion diseases (e.g. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease)
Linked by a common pathological hallmark: the
presence of abnormal protein accumulations
What are the general features of neurodegenerative diseases?
General features
* Selective loss of specific populations of neurones
* Associated with deposits of abnormal protein
accumulations that may be intra or extra cellular
* Referred to as proteinopathies
* Affected brain region shows neuronal loss — affects
specific neurones and spares others
* Clinical features are determined by the location of
abnormal proteins (rather than the protein involved)
* In most cases it is not clear why specific populations are susceptible (called selective vulnerability)
What is protein misfolding?
Unfolded protein response
Presence of misfolded proteins triggers the unfolded protein
response (UPR)
This upregulates molecular chaperone proteins that attempt to refold abnormally configured proteins
Disposal of abnormal proteins
Abnormal proteins are tagged with ubiquitin
Ubiquitinated proteins are targeted to the proteasome (a large protein complex) that digests protein
In neurodegenerative diseases there is an accumulation of abnormally folded proteins - or a failure of the normal cellular mechanisms for their disposal
What is protein aggregation?
- Abnormal proteins can accumulate inneurones (or glial cells). Called inclusion bodies.
- Often cytoplasmic, but can be nuclear
- Can also accumulate in extracellular component
- Many pathological aggregates have a beta-pleated
sheet structure that can stack together to form
insoluble fibrils - Often referred to as amyloid
- Deposition of amyloid is responsible for many diseases,
but most understood amyloid disease is Alzheimer’s disease
What are the clinical aspects of alzheimer’s?
Memory loss
* Loss of short-term memory is a prominent feature
Recollection of personal experiences (episodic memory) particularly affected
May initially be mistaken as age related forgetfulness
As disease progresses earlier memories are eroded
Visuospatial problems
Get lost in familiar places and forget where they have left items
Reasoning and language
Decline in problem-solving abilities and abstract reasoning— impairs
decision making and judgement
Word-finding difficulties & reduced verbal fluency
Early — depression & anxiety. Late— apathy.
What is the pathology of alzheimer’s?
Reduced brain weight
Cortical atrophy
Enlarged ventricles
Memory loss reflects severe
pathology in the medial temporal
lobe . Includes entorhinal cortex
and hippocampus. Degeneration
of temporal lobe may also affect
recognition of objects and people.
Damage to parietal and temporal
lobes may interfere with ability to
understand spatial relationships
and spatial navigation
What are the two main pathological findings of neurodegeneration?
1) Plaques
* Insoluble protein aggregates
(plaques) in cerebral cortex
* In extracellular space (between
* Composed of amyloid beta peptide
Widespread, but common in
hippocampus, entorhinal cortex and
Present in frontal, parietal and
association cortices (not common in
sensory and motor areas)
2.Neurofibrillary tangles
* Filamentous inclusion composed of
microtubule- associated protein tau
Neurofibrillary tangles contain
hyperphosphorylated tau in the form of
paired helical filaments (resemble twisted
Found in cytoplasm of surviving neurones
Interrupt transport mechanisms of cell
Tangles are forming
Healthy area
Tangles inside dying nerve cell
Accumulation of amyloid beta is thought to be a key initiating
event in Alzheimer’s. This triggers a cascade of pathological events
leading to hyperphosphorylation of tau and tangle formation: the
amyloid cascade hypothesis.
What is the aetiology of Alzheimer’s
- Leading cause of dementia in all age groups
- Predominantly idiopathic
- Riskk factors : possesion of one or more copies of the apolipoprotein E4 (APOE4) gene on chromosome 19 (involved in plasma lipid transport)
- Present in more than 50% of AD patients
- APOE4 associated with increased risk of AD, but role incompletely understood
- Linked to late onset AD
- 5% inherited in autosomal dominant fashion
- Linked to mutations in genes encoding amyloid precursor protein (APP) and presenilin 1&2 (only early onset AD)
What is the neuronal and synaptic loss in AD?
90% Neuronal loss in entorhinal cortex in advanced AD
Effectively disconnects the hippocampus from the neocortex
Other neuronal loss:
Widespread loss of neurones and synaptic connections
throughout cortex
* Reduction in number of dendritic spines (reduced
* Cell death in brainstem (including the locus coeruleus in pons)
* Loss of cholinergic neurones in Maynert’s nucleus— loss of
acetylcholine has negative impact on memory, attention and cognition
What is the spread of alzheimer’s ?
Braak stages :
- Early (entorhinal cortex and hippocampus)
- Intermediate (limbic lobe, amygdala)
- Late (association areas of neocortex and finally to sensory/motor)
- Reflects the spread of tangle pathology through the brain
What are the pathological effects of Beta amyloid?
Pathological effects of ß amyloid
* Degree of cognitive decline correlates poorly
with plaque-associated (insoluble) ß amyloid
* But is strongly associated with 1) tangle
pathology and 2) soluble ß amyloid
* Soluble ß amyloid thought to drive tau
pathology and interrupt cell membrane
* Leading to increased Ca2+ influx
* May also lead to oxidative stress and thus
What is the treatment for AD?
- No current treatment of AD
- Treatment is only symptomatic or supportive
- Cholinersterase inhibitors potentiate cholinergic transmission at synapse and can help memory impairement to some degree- usually only lasts <12 months
- Memantine, and NMDA receptro antagonist that inhibits glutamatergic transmission- may protect against Ca2+ overload but mechanism uncertain
- Potential - disease modifying agents that interrupt amyloid processing or tangle formation being developed
What is Parkinson’s disease?
- Most common hypokinetic disorder
Resting tremor, rigidity, bradykinesia
Diagnosed on the basis of clinical signs
Many treatments available - Average life expectancy after diagnosis is now roughly the same as
for controls
Post mortem:
degeneration of dopaminergic neurones of the substantia
prior to neuronal death, Lewy bodies (alpha-synuclein
protein) are found in the cells
What are Lewy bodies ?
- Abnormal protein accumulations in the cytoplasm of surviving neurones
- Roubded intraneuronal structures with white halo
- Major constituent = alpha-synuclein (hallmark of PD)
- Synucleinopathy
What is alpha-synuclein?
- synaptic protein found in presynaptic terminals
- Involved in neurotransmitter release and synaptic plasticity
- May regulate dopamine storage and synaptic vesicle recycling
What is Lewy body progression?
- Pathology begins in olfactory bulbs and medulla
- Spreads through 6 Braak stages
- To pons, midbrain, limbic lobe, amygdala, neocortex
What is the aetiology of PD?
Aetiology of PD
Parkinson’s disease is predominantly idiopathic
5-10% of Parkinson’s disease is familial and may be autosomal
dominant or recessive
Mutations in a gene known as parkin are best documented
gene encodes for an E3 ligase, centrally important in
ubiquitin/proteosomal protein degradation
loss of function is thought to lead to toxic accumulation
of abnormal proteins in the neurones, causing death
Mutations in other genes, such as those for tau, ubiquitin and a-synuclein are even rarer, but cause PD
What is neuronal cell death in PD?
Neuronal cell death in PD
* Unclear whether Lewy bodies are neurotoxic
May be that oligomeric species (formed during Lewy
body synthesis) are responsible for damage
* Alpha-synuclein may perforate cell membrane and
enable free Ca2+ to enter cell
* Inclusion bodies may also trigger free radical stress
* Protein aggregation may reduce activity ubiquitin- proteasome system (overload/block) preventing breakdown of misfolded proteins
What is Huntington’s disease?
Huntington’s disease
a.k.a. Huntington’s chorea (dance-like)
* Chorea — spontaneous, irregular jerky movements
* Dementia
* Changes in mood & personality
An inherited, autosomal dominant condition with mean age
of onset of 40
35-150 CAG repeats in the huntingtin gene (chr 4)
Leads to abnormally long polyglutamine inclusions
This is toxic to neurones (although still unknown exactly why)
Highly disabling and progressive average life expectancy after diagnosis is 15 years
Incidence in Europe is N 1/10,000
premature loss of neurones predominantly in the striatum but also in the cortex
Medium spiny neurones selectivelly vulnerable to HD
Enlargement of the anterior horns of the lateral ventricles
- influences the indirect pathway
- Lose the inhibitory influence onto thalamus