Neuroanatomy Pq Flashcards
1) The falx cerebri, which is between the 2 cerebral hemisphere has 2 ends.
1. Anterior end attached to ____________
- Posterior end to _______________
- crista galli
- upper surface of tentorium.
1) The falx cerebri, which is between the 2 cerebral hemisphere has 2 ends.
1. Anterior end attached to ____________
- Posterior end to _______________
- crista galli
- upper surface of tentorium.
2) The falx cerebri encloses venous channels which are:
Mnemonic: Ss Is S
- Superior sagittal sinus
- Inferior sagittal sinus
- Straight sinuses
3) What is the function of meningeal dural folds: to _________________________________________
minimize rotatory displacement of the brain, preventing concussion.
4) Meningeal layer of the dura mater continues as __________
spinal dura
5) The arachnoid and pia mater together makes up _____________
6) The tentorial notch is occupied by ________ and ________ of the cerebellum
midbrain and vermis
7) The margins of the tentorium cerebelli attaches to the __________ and __________ posteriolaterally and
the ____________ and ___________anteriolaterally.
occipital and parietal bone
petrous temporal bone and clinoid process
8) The sinus found in the tentorium cerebelli are
(NOTE: it also has the meckel’s cave which contains trigeminal ganglion).
Mneomonic: T SP - Sinus
i. Transverse sinus
ii. Superior petrosal sinuses
9) Falx cerebelli encloses the
i. ______________.
occipital sinus
10) _______________ forms the roof of the hypophyseal cerebri.
Diaphragma sellae
11) _______________ joins the inferior sagittal sinus with the superior sagittal sinus to form the straight sinus
The great cerebral vein
12) Venous channels of dura mater receive blood from ______, _______, and _______.
skull, meninges and brain
13) Venous channels communicate with veins outside the skull via ______________ .
emissary veins
14) The superior cerebral veins drain into the ________________.
Mnemonic: Ss
superior sagittal sinus
15) The inferior cerebral veins terminate in the ___________, ______________, and ____________
Mnemonic: C, Sp, T - sinus
cavernous, superior petrosal and transverse sinuses.
16) Anterior cerebral veins terminate in the ___________
basal vein.
- Internal cerebral veins unite to form the ______1_________ , which terminate in the ______2_________
great cerebral veins,
straight sinus.
18) Basal vein is formed by the union of ____________, _____________, and ___________.
Its tributaries are small veins from the midbrain and parahippocampal gryus.
deep middle cerebral,
anterior cerebral
striate veins
18) Basal vein is formed by the union of deep middle cerebral, anterior cerebral and striate veins.
Its tributaries are small veins from the _________ and ________________
midbrain and parahippocampal gryus.
19) The superior and posterior surface of the cerebellum are drained by:
i. _____________
ii. ____________
Mnemonic: S, T sinus
the inferior surface is drained by:
Mnemonic: Ip, Si, O - sinus
i. Straight sinus
ii. Transverse sinuses.
i. Inferior petrosal sinus
ii. Sigmoid sinus
iii. Occipital sinuses.
20) The midbrain is drained by __________
Pons by the ____________ and ___________
The Medulla is drained by the ____________ dorsally and ________________ ventrally.
basal vein,
inferior petrosal sinus and basilar plexus of veins.
occipital sinus and basilar plexus of veins
21) Cavernous sinus is located in the _________________ , beside body of sphenoid.
middle cranial fossa
22) Cavernous sinus extends by the medial end of _______________ anteriorly and apex of _____________ posteriorly.
superior orbital fissure (anteriorly)
petrous temporal bone (Posteriorly)