Neuroanatomy/Neurophysiology: The Nervous System Flashcards
Neurons communicate with each other through junctions called ________
Sensory or afferent neurons carry sensory impulses…
While motor or efferent nerves transmit impulses…
Toward the brain
Away from the brain
A _______ is a chemical contained within the terminal buttons that helps make contact between two cells by diffusing itself across the synaptic space
______ and ______ are two important no transmitters in the motor system
Dopamine and acetylcholine
Three basic types of neurons:
- Motor neurons
- Sensory neurons
- Interneurons
Sensory neurons, also called afferent neurons, carries sensory impulses from the peripheral sense organ _______ the brain.
Motor neurons also called efferent neurons transmit impulses ________ from the central nervous system
Motor neurons cause of glandular secretions or muscle contractions (movement)
________, The most common type of neuron in the nervous system, link neurons with other neurons
Schwann cells and oligodendroglia provide the _______ around the axon
Myelin sheath
The _______, _________, and ________ are collectively referred to as the nervous system
Peripheral , autonomic, Central
Neurons are the central building block of the nervous system and are composed of your:
A cell body, dendrites, and an Axon
Peripheral nervous system contains:
The 12 pairs of cranial nerves and 31 pairs of spinal nerves
The cranial nerves emerge from the brainstem and are attached to the base of the brain. They are part of the ______motor system.
Smell (sensory)
Vegan (sensory)
III. Oculomotor
Eye movement (motor)
Eye movement (motor)
Face (sensory)
Jaw (motor)
Eye movement (motor)
Tongue (sensory)
Hearing and balance (sensory)
Tongue and pharynx (sensory)
Pharynx only (motor)
Larynx, respiratory, cardiac, and GI SYSTEMS (sensory and motor)
Shoulder arm and throat movements (motor)
Tongue movements (motor)
_______ nerves are those cranial nerves that carries sensory information from the sense organ e.g. the nose to the brain.
_______ nerves carry impulses from the brain to the muscles that make those muscles move
The trigeminal nerve has three branches:
- Ophthalmic
- Maxillary
- Mandibular
a) ophthalmic:
b) maxillary:
c) mandibular:
A) sensory branches to the nose, eyes, and forehead
B) sensory branches to the upper lip, Maxilla, upper cheek, upper teeth, maxillary sinus, and palate
C)sensory branches to the mandible, lower teeth, lower lip, tongue part of the cheek, and part of the external ear
The motor fibers of cranial nerve five innervate various ____muscles
Damage to the trigeminal nerve may result in an inability to close the mouth, difficulty chewing and trigeminal neuralgia (Sharp pain in the facial area)
The facial nerve is a _______ nerve.
The sensory fibers are responsible for taste sensations on the ______ two thirds of the tongue.
The motor fibers of the facial nerve innervates muscles important to…
A person with damage to the facial nerve often has a mask like appearance with minimal or no…
Facial expression and speech
Facial expression
Cranial nerve VIII, the acoustic nerve, is a sensory nerve for balance and hearing. It has two branches:
Damage results in:
- The vestibular branch is responsible for maintenance of equilibrium or balance
- The acoustic branch transmits sensory information from the cochlea the inner ear to the primary auditory cortex of the brain
Hearing loss and or problems with balance
Cranial nerve nine, the glossopharyngeal nerve is a ______nerve.
The sensory component assists in processing taste sensations from the posterior _______ of the tongue this component also provides general sensation for the Tympanic cavity, ear canal, eustachian tube, faucial pillars, tonsils, soft palate, and pharynx.
The motor fibers innervate the _______, a muscle that raises and dilates the pharynx
Lesions of the glossopharyngeal nerve may create difficulty in
Swallowing, unilateral loss of the gag reflex, and loss of taste and sensation from the posterior third of the tongue
Cranial nerve X, the Vegas nerve is a _____nerve containing motor sensory and autonomic fibers. It is called a “_______” nerve because it extends into the chest and stomach
The recurrent laryngeal nerve, a branch of the Vegas nerve, regulates…
The intrinsic muscles of the larynx
The pharyngeal branch of the vagus nerve supplies the
Pharyngeal constrictors
Damage to the Vagus nerve can include a variety of things such as difficulty
Swallowing, paralysis of the velum, and voice problems if the RLN is damaged
Cranial nerve XI, the spinal accessory nerve is a _____ nerve. It is both a cranial and spinal nerves because of its cranial and spinal origin
In concert with the vagus nerve, the cranial fibers of the accessory nerve innervates the ______and _____muscles of the soft palate
Uvula and levator veli palatine
Lesions of the spinal accessory nerve may result in…
Neck weakness, paralysis of the sternocleidomastoid, and consequent inability to turn the head as well as inability to shrug the shoulders or raise the arm above shoulder
Cranial nerve 12 the hypoglossal nerve is a motor nerve that runs under the _____
This nerve supplies three extrinsic tongue muscles:
It also supplies all of the ______ muscles of the tongue
The styloglossus, hyoglossus, and genioglossus
Lesions to the hypoglossal nerve can result in
Tongue paralysis, diminished intelligibility, and swallowing problems
Spinal nerves can be motor, sensory, or mixed.
They transmit motor information from the __________ to the _______, and carries sensory information from the peripheral receptors to the ______
central nervous system; muscles
There are ___pairs of spinal nerves. These nerves are attached to the spinal cord through two roots: one is efferent and _____ (toward the front,) and the other is afferent and _____ toward the back
The autonomic nervous system (ANS) is generally viewed as part of the ______nervous system.
The ANS controls and regulates the _________of our bodies.
There are two branches of the ANS:
internal environment
The sympathetic and parasympathetic
The sympathetic branch of the ANS…
Activation of the sympathetic branch…
Mobilizes the body for “fight or flight” situations
Accelerates the heart rate, dilates the pupils, raises blood pressure, and increases blood flow to peripheral body structures
The parasympathetic branch of the ANS helps bring the body…
When activated it…
Back to the state of relaxation
Lowers blood pressure, slows the heart rate, increases activity within the stomach, and generally relaxes the body
The most important parts of the peripheral nervous system in relationships of communication are the…
Cranial nerves
The central nervous system is composed of
The brain and spinal cord
The CNS acts as a motor command center for…
Planning, originating, and carrying out the transmission of messages
The brainstem connects the spinal cord with the brain via the ______. It also serves as a bridge between the cerebellum and all other CNS structures, including the spinal cord the thalamus the basal ganglia and the cerebrum
Three key structures of the brainstem are:
midbrain, pons, and Medulla
The midbrain is also called the_______
The midbrain ________ help connect the brainstem and cerebellum.
superior peduncles
The midbrain structures control many motor and sensory functions including…
Postural reflexes, visual reflexes, Eye movements, and coordination of vestibular generated Eye and head movements