neuroanatomy Flashcards
Hindbrain structures
Pons, Medulla Oblongata, Reticular formation, cranial nerves, cerebellum
Medulla Oblongata
Respiration, blood pressure, vomiting, swallowing
Reticular formation
Levels of arousal participate in sleep, suppression of this results in anesthetic effect
Ascending descending tracks from the periphery contains pons and cerebellum
Midbrain structures
AKA, Mesencephalon; contains Tectum (colliculi), Tegmentum, cerebral pundicles
Superior colliculi, sight. inferior colliculi, sound .
Periaqueductal gray (produces endogenous opiates), Substania nigra (produces dopamine), Red nucleus (responsible for motor behavior)
Diencephalon, Thalamus, hypothalamus, telencephalon
all sensory info except smell, refines sensory info before sending it to the cortexl. thalamus is an essential component of attention. Damage at thalamic level = difficulty maintaining arousal, damage at cortex = twilight state (eyes open) cannot track objects.
Functional pluripotentiality
brain regions can perform novel functions, think of the ferets with a visual temporal lobe or the sensation of an amputy feeling their hand on their face
Single dissociation
damage in brain structure A produces disfunction in ability X, and not Y
Double dissociation
damage in brain structure A produces disfunction in ability X, and not Y. Damage in brain structure B produces disfunction in ability Y but not X
Disconnection syndrome
Disfunction associated with an inability of one part of the brain to communicate with another, likely due to lesions of connecting fibers. Think frontal lobe related deficits in a patient with a perfectly intact frontal lobe
Primary sensory area
recieves processes and stores sensory/basic psychophysical information. most specified in construction (less complex)
Secondary area (association cortex)
recieves info from primary area, organizes and interprets information. Visual, somatosensory, auditory
Tertiary area
recieves info from secondary area. Integrates different sensory information, supramodel areas, frontal lobes (maybe the angular gyrus)
Progressive lateralization
the higher order the function the more lateralized it is: language
Sensory higherarchial sequence
primary-secondary-tertiary (challenge to model, parrallel processing at all points)
Motor higherarchial sequence
tertiary-secondary-primary (challenge to model, parrallel processing at all points)
scaffolding, blood brain barrier, guide neural migration
regulates basic functions like thirst, hungry, sex. comprised of: , lateral hypothalamus, ventromedial hypothalamus. connected to the pituitary gland via the infundibulum
Lateral hypothalamus
reward center, reacts to eating novel food
ventromedial hypothalamus
stops us from eatig food, antagonal relationship with LH
composed of; limbic system, cerebal cortex, basal ganglia, olfactory buld
lateral sulcus
AKA sylvian fissure, seperates the frontal and part of the parietal lobe from the temporal lobe