exam 2 Flashcards
Neural structure associated with Executive function
Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
Neural structure associated with personality
Ventromedial prefrontal cortex
Executive cognitive functions
Planning, Monitoring, Switching, inhibiting
Tests of executive functioning
Wisconsin Card Sorting test, Trail making test,
Tests of problem solving
Verbal fluency test, DKEFS: tower test, figural fluency (free, fixed), Continous performance test, mazes, stroop, tower of hanoi, clock drawing
Verbal Fluency test
“fuck ass shit” test, name all words that start with F, those with frontal lobe damage will perseverate on one word, like fuck, or names (not allowed in test) when switch to A they will go back to F.
Figural fluency (fixed)
connect dots in novel ways,
Figural Fluency test (free)
tests divergent thinking, cognitive set switching, planning strategy, and executive functions. Draw as many unigue designs as possible in 60s intervals
Continuous performance test
Measure of attention and inhibition: press button for every design but X, originally designed to test schizofrenia
inhibit responses, plan ahead, a test of frontal lobe function
abulia (amotivational syndrome)
lack of will or initiation, damage to anterior cingulate ( medial frontal), distinguish from depression by asking if they are happy
Metacognitive processess (location, features)
Frontal pole, right. integrates aspects of personality, social cogntition, appreciation of humor
condition in which one makes puns, inappropriate social comment, losses appreciation of sarcasm, right frontal damage
Processes if life associated with frontal cortex
Volition, Plan/recal, program, implement, monitor, adjust
Disinhibition syndrome
inferior frontal, orbitomedial cortex, irritability, paranoia, witzelsucht, hyperreactivity, impulsivity, disinhibited insticntual behavior
Executive dysfunction
Dorsolateral pfc, cognitive deficits (planning etc)
lacking insight into one’s condition
Attentional system
Reticular activating system(coma), thalamic projections(Obtuned, losing conciousness if not shaken), frontal thalamic gating system (distractibility, severe+Akinetic mustims (inert, speechless)
causes of frontal lobe dysfunction
TBI, Demnetia (Pick’s), Tumors, Strokes, Infections, Schizophrenia, OCD, Lobotomie
Egas Moniz
First lobotomist
inability to distinguish phonemes when close together in sequence
Visuoperception in temporal lobes
Visual closure, tracking anomolies, facial recognition, subtle visual cues