Neuroanatomy Flashcards
What is the principle visceral nucleus of the brainstem?
Nucleus solitarius (afferent information from 7,9,10). Note: nucleus ambiguus –> efferent fibers to 9,10
What is Rexed Lamina I? What does it mediate?
Posteromarginal nucleus/Lissauer’s tract. Pain and temperature.
What is Rexed Lamina II?
Substantia Gelatinosa
What is Rexed Lamina III and IV?
Nucleus Proprius (interneurons and principle sensory nucleus)
What is Rexed Lamina V? What is Rexed Lamina VI?
Neck of the Dorsal. Base of the Dorsal Horn.
What is Rexed Lamina VII from C8-L2, T1-L2, and in the Sacrum?
Clarke (C8-L2), Intermediolateral cell column (T1-L2), Sacral parasympathetic.
What is Rexed Lamina VIII?
Motor interneurons/Commissural nucleus
What is Rexed Lamina IX?
Lateral (Limb muscles) and medial (axial muscle) motor neurons, phrenic/spinal accessory muscles, Onuf’s (Sacral
What is Rexed Lamina X?
Central Gray of SC
Rexed lamina describe A)White matter tracts or B)Gray matter nuclei
B- Gray matter of SC
What are Renshaw cells?
Inhibitory interneurons (in Lamina VII and VIII) that have muscarinic cholinergic receptors sensative to glycine that exhibit negative feedback on alpha motor neurons
What is the major neurotransmitter of the dorsal roots and corticospinal tracts?
What is the inhibitor of the the spinal cord inhibitory neurotransmitter?
Tetanus- inhibits glycine which is a SC inhibitory neurotransmitter
Which dorsal column fasciculus enters above T6?
Fasciculus Cuneatus. [note: fasciculus gracilis enters below T6]
Where do secondary neurons from the nucleus gracilis/cuneatus decussate and where do they go after decussation?
Decussate as internal arcuate fibers and enter contralateral medial lemniscus –> VPL –>Post-central gyrus
What are the septomarginal fasciculus (Lumbar) and fasciculus interfascicularis (T/C)?
Descending dorsal column fibers that regulate sensation
Where do spinothalamic fibers decussate?
Lissaeur’s tract after ascending 1-2 levels