Neuroanatomy Flashcards
anatomico-clinical correlation
the process of integrating anatomic knowledge and understanding of behavioral and cognitive syndromes
divisions of the brain
human nervous system composed of the CNS (brain and spinal cord) and the peripheral nervous system
the brain is divided into the forebrain (hemispheres and diencephalon), midbrain, hindbrain (medulla, pons, cerebellum - together form connection bw brain and spinal cord)
hemispheres and diencephalon (epithalamus, thalamus, subthalamus, and hypothalamus)
the colliculi, the tegmentum, and the cerebral peduncles
medulla, pons, cerebellum - together form connection bw brain and spinal cord
epithalamus, thalamus, subthalamus, and hypothalamus
front-back direction
ventral and dorsal
up-down direction
rostral/superior and caudal/inferior
horizontal (axial) plane
parallel to the floor
coronal plane
perpendicular to floor and cuts across brain connecting the ears
sagittal plane
perpendicular, from forehead to occiput
gray matter
cell bodies/neurons
where basic synaptic communication takes place
white matter
myelinated axons
provides communication among cortical areas and between cortical and subcortical structures over longer distances
how do disconnection syndromes arise?
damage to white matter pathways when functional brain regions are deprived of inputs and outputs thru white matter damage
examples: Alexia without agraphia, optic aphasia, impaired naming of objects in left hemisphere due to callosal disconnection of right hemisphere from left-hemisphere language regions
unimodal cortex
processes info to a specific sensory modality
plays prominent role in perception
polymodal cortex
process info receiving from disparate modalities thru afferent connections
critically involved in higher-order conceptual processes that are less dependent on concrete sensory info than on abstract features extracted from multiple inputs
example: convergence zone of anterior temporal lobe and inferior parietal lobule
orbitofrontal/ventromedial region
emotional regulation, reward monitoring, personality
damage to orbitofrontal: disinhibition
damage to ventromedial: disordered reward/punishment processing and problems marking perceptual or learning experiences with reward value and emotional significance
dorsolateral region
broad range of cognitive-executive functions
damage produces dysexecutive syndromes, impairment in working memory, poor attentional control of behavior
dorsomedial region
intentional and behavioral activation
damage produces striking impairments in initiated behavior including akinetic mutism (awake and alert but unable to move or speak)
temporal polar cortical areas
polymodal convergence zone important for intersensory integration and semantic memory
ventral temporal areas
object recognition and discrimination
bilateral damage produces object or face agnosia
ventral temporal areas
object recognition and discrimination
bilateral damage produces object or face agnosia
ventral temporal areas
object recognition and discrimination
bilateral damage produces object or face agnosia