Neuroanatomy Flashcards
What are the four lobes of the cerebrum?
Frontal, parietal, temporal, occipital
What parts of the brain make up the hindbrain?
Cerebellum, pons, medulla
What are the four section of vertebrates from rostral to caudal?
Cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral
What parts of the spinal cord are enlarged? Why is this?
Cervical enlargement and lumbosacral enlargement
due to high amounts of motor neurons needed for the arms (cervical) and the legs (lumbosacral)
What is the ventricular system?
Made up of the two lateral ventricles on either hemisphere, third ventricle in the middle and the fourth ventricle below
cavities in the brain filled with cerebrospinal fluid
for physical protection, removal of waste products and maintaining concentrations of ions
What is grey matter?
neuronal cell bodies, dendrites and glia
what is white matter?
myelinated axons
How is the arrangement of grey and white matter different in the brain versus the spinal cord?
brain: grey matter is on the outside with white matter more medial
spinal cord: white matter is external and grey matter in an X shape on the inside
What is a nucleus?
cluster of cell bodies which usually have a specific function
what parts of the brain make up the forebrain?
cerebral hemispheres, thalamus, hypothalamus
Development pathway for the three brain vesicles
Ectoderm > neural plate > neural groove + folds > neural crest (PNS) + neural tube (CNS + ventricular system)
What are the three brain vesicles in development of the CNS from rostral to caudal and what do they develop into?
Prosencephalon- forebrain
Mesencephalon- midbrain
Rhombencephalon- hindbrain
How does the prosencephalon form the forebrain?
Telencephalon forms the cerebral hemispheres
Diencephalon forms the thalamus and hypothalamus
Optic vesicles form the optic stalk (optic nerve) and optic cup (retina)
Structure of the midbrain from rostral to caudal
tectum, cerebral aqueduct, tegmentum
Meaning of afferent and efferent
Afferent- information coming into the CNS
Efferent- information coming out of the CNS
What do the somatic and autonomic nervous systems innervate?
Somatic- skeletal muscles
Autonomic- smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, glands
Sympathetic preganglionic/postganglionic neuron structure and neurotransmitters
short preganglionic, long postganglionic use ACh (nicotinic) at pre, but ACh (nicotinic)/NE/EPI at post
Parasympathetic pregnaglionic/postganglionic neuron structure and neurotransmitters
long preganglionic, short postganglionic use ACh (nicotinic) at pre, but ACh (muscarinic) at post