Neuro/Psycho-oncology Flashcards
What are the most common types of brain tumour?
What is the neurooncology team composed of?
Neuro-oncology clinical nurse specialist
Neuro radiologist
Neuro pathologist
Legal requirement for all to be present in case discussion
What is the incidence of brain tumours?
15 per 100,000
11,000 new cases a year (5000 gliomas)
30% increase since 90s
What are primary brain tumours?
In situ
What are the most common brain tumours?
What are the types of glioma?
Glioblastoma multiforme (grade 4)
Low grade gliomas - Astro Thomas and oligodendrogliomas
What is the WHO grading system for meningioma?
Grade I - benign
Grade II - atypical, often due to radiotherapy for childhood cancer
Grade III - rare, very poor prognosis
What is the WHO grading system for intrinsic tumours?
Grade I - pilocytic astrocytoma (childhood, curable)
Grade II - oligodendroglioma, astrocytoma
Grade III - anaplastic
Grade IV - glioblastoma multiforme (from astrocytoma)
What are the most common presentations of brain tumours?
Asymptomatic (found on investigation)
Raised ICP
Focal neurological deficit
Cognitive decline
Change of personality
What are symptoms of raised ICP?
Double vision (from abducens nerve)
Drowsiness/ confusion
Cushing’s triad (fatal) (raised bp, lowered pulse & respiration)
How has prognosis of high grade glioma changed?
Previously 6 months
Now 2 years +
Improved surgical resection using gliolan and MRI
Stupp protocol (temozolamide/radiotherapy)
Safer radiotherapy
Molecular pathology
What does gliolan do?
Fluorescent tags tumour tissue - improves resection
What techniques are helping safer surgery?
Awake craniotomy
Intra-operative neuromonitoring
What is the Stupp protocol?
6 weeks of radiotherapy 5 days a week (30 rounds) + temozolamide every day
6 months of temozolamide twice a month
2.5x more effective than radiotherapy alone
How does methylation status affect treatment?
Methylated genes in the GBM increased response to Stupp protocol
46% 2 year survival vs 14%