Management Of Medically Unexplained Symptoms Flashcards
What is the preferred term for medically unexplained symptoms?
Persistent Physical Symptoms
(Preferred by most except for FND patients)
What is the prevalence of unexplained symptoms in primary care?
20-40% in primary care
Up to 50% if secondary care clinics
What is the misdiagnosis rate (diagnosed as MUS but organic disease)?
4% at 5 years
Same as other neurological disorders
MUS is a stable diagnosis
How much does the NHS spend on treating MUS?
£3 billion +
10% of NHS budget
What are the maintaining (perpetuating) factors of MUS?
Autonomic dysregulatiob (physical)
Avoidance of symptoms/activity (behavioural)
All or nothing behaviour
Attention to symptoms (cognitive)
Views of symptoms (cognitive)
Poor professional management (social)
Loss of role (social)
Unhelpful role of others/ too much help (social)
What is the model for treatment of MUS?
Positive explanation of diagnosis
Step-wise approach
Guided self help
Liaison psychiatry
What are the three targets of CBT for MUS?
Physical symptoms
What are the symptoms for chronic fatigue syndrome?
Widespread muscular pain
Generalised stiffness
Persistent fatigue
Non-refreshing sleep