Neuro- Path Flashcards
When does myelination occur in the development of the CNS
late in embryonic development
Spina bifida is a failure of…
…closure of the neural tube
What is spina bifida Rachischisis?
extreme defect with the spinal column converted into gaping canal

Neural tube nefects are complicated by what deficient vitamin deficiency?
Folate Vitamin B9
Differentiate Dimyelia and Diastematamyelia
Complete duplication is dimyelia and partial duplication is diastematamyelia
What is the difference between a hydromyelia and a syringomyelia
Hydropmyelia is a abnormal dilation of the central canal lined by ephendyma cells. These are expansion of the central canal
Syringomyelia is a tubular cavitation which extends for variable distances that may or not communicate with the central canal. They have no lining
What is a syringobulbia?
a Synringomyelia of the medulla
Non-progressive damage to the brain. Movement disorder and impaired muscle movement. Occurs before, during or shortly after birth
Cerebral palsy
Premature births are associated with what risk?
Intraparenchymal hemorrhage (hemorrhage near thalamus and caudate nucleus that may cause hydrocephalus)
Periventricular leukomalacia?
An Intraparenchymal hemorrhage develops into an infarct. The white matter becomes necrotic and calcifies.
Multicystic encephalopathy
a intraparenchumal hemorrhage that involves both the white and grey matter cause destructive cystic lesions
Differentiate spastic, athetoid, ataxic, and mixed cerebral palsies
Spastic = tense, contracted muscles
Athetoid = uncontrolled motions
Ataxic = poor sense of balance, falling
Mixed = combination thereof
What type of hydropcephalus is Chiari malformation?
Communication because all the ventricles are distended
Type I versus a Type II Chiari Malformation?
Type I will not include a meningomyelocele
What is a key feature of a non-communicating hydrocephalus from a blockage of the foramen of monroe?
Position headaches

cortical surfaces are smooth or imperfectly formed gyri
focal defects that lead to modules of ectopic neuronsmay be caused by maternal alcoholism
absence of olfactory tracts and bulbs (rhinencephalon) associated with holoproericephaly or as solitary lesion
Associated with Trisomy 13 -15
Holoprosencephaly and Arrhinencephaly