Neuro module 1 Flashcards
Congenital malformation wherein there is a failure in closure of vertebral arches , the Spinal cord &/or nerve roots included
Spina bifida with meningomyelocele
Which of the following are INCORRECTLY paired?
A. Neuroepithelium - neuroblast - neuron
B. Neural tube - mesenchymal cells - microglial cell
C. Ectoderm - neural tube - neuroepithelium - oligodendrocyte
D. Neuroectoderm - glial blast - astrocyte
B - Mesenchymal cells are DIRECTLY from MESENCHYME
During the third week of embryonic growth the brain begins to develop in the early fetus in a process called _____________
Connection between the 3rd and 4th ventricle
Cerebral aqueduct
A part of a neuron that has special sensory receptors.
Calvaria and brain are small but the face is normal size, thus the brain is underdeveloped
Arachnoid & pia mater is collectively known as
Which part of the neuron is Longer in length, absent Nissl Bodies, absent Spine/ Gemmules
During 4th week of development, these flexures persist.
Brain flexures (midbrain flexure and cervical flexure)
Common symptoms of this disease is Hypoplastic, flaccid bilateral LE. Urinary incontinence due to areflexia.
Lumbar menigomyelocele
Broca area is located at Brodmann area
44, 45
True or false. neural crest soon divides into three cell masses
False. Two
Membrane surrounding the brain and spinal cord that is impermeable to fluid
Pia mater
Posterior lobe of the cerebellum is connected to the ______
Cerebral cortex
A part of neuron that has specialized motor receptors
It surrounds the brain and the spinal cord and is responsible for keeping in the cerebrospinal fluid
Dura mater
What cranial nerves are located in the midbrain
The cytoplasm of the cell body contains large aggregations of ___________
Rough endoplasmic reticulum- Nissl substances
Unipolar neurons in the spinal ganglia are derived from ________________
Neural crest cells
What part of the brainstem can you see the olives
All sensory neurons and association neurons are Multipolar. TRUE OR FALSE? if false, what makes the statement wrong?
FALSE. Motor and association neurons are Multipolar neuron. Sensory neurons are pseudoUnipolar and Bipolar.
Separates right and left hemisphere
Longitudinal fissure
Separates temporal and parietal lobe
Lateral fissure of Sylvius
Clusters of basophilic Rough ER, found in abundance in the neuron soma.
Nissl bodies
What lobe of the cerebellum is for the coordination of limb movements
What part of the brain Forms the caudal floor of the 4th ventricle
Anomalies associated with acrania
Anterior and posterior lobe of the cerebellum is divided by
Primary fissure
There are three types of neurons. Please draw.
Multipolar- Has numerous dendrites projecting from the cell body
Bipolar – only a single dendrite which arises from the pole of the cell body opposite to the origin of the axon
Pseudounipolar – a single dendrite and axon arise from a common stem of the cell body unipolar,
Anomaly concerning meninges, part of the brain and ventricular system
Also called the neocerebellum
Posterior lobe
Cranial nerve IX has ____ function
A. Motor
B. sensory
C. Motor and sensory
C. Remember the mnemonic Some Say Marry Money But My Brother Says Bad Business Makes Money Legend M - motor S- sensory B - both
Failure of the cephalic part of the neural tube to close during the 4th week of development
Immune mediated destruction of myelin confined to the CNS leading to slowing of conduction and neurological dysfunction
Multiple sclerosis
What lobe of the cerebellum is associated with balance
Where can Centers associated with auditory, visual and pupillary reflexes be found
Which of the following are not paired correctly:
A. Frontal: logic:: parietal: pain
B. Vagus: sensory:: Abducens: mixed
C. Midbrain: aqueduct :: Thalamus: third ventricle
B - vagus: mixed while abducens: motor
This part of the neuron has No Golgi apparatus, and Nissl Bodies
What neurotransmitter is secreted by the substantia nigra
It lines cavities within brain ( ventricles ) and spinal cord (central canal.
Ependymal cells* cuboidal or columnar in shape
Cytoplasmic process of a neuron except
A. Perikaryon
B. Axon
C. Dendrites
What do you call the swellings or the smaller branches of axon?
Terminal Bouton
Pons cranial nerves
Trigeminal (V)
Abducens (VI)
Facial (VII)
Vestibulocochlear (VIII)
Brodmann area for primary motor
When does formation of neural plate takes place
3rd week of gestation
NTD’s can be predetermined through Amniocentesis which will confirmed an elevated maternal serum called ________
AFP (alpha fetoprotein)
Brain stem is composed of
Midbrain, pons, medulla
All sensory neurons are Pseudounipolar Except sensory neurons of special senses classified as Bipolar. True or false, if false what makes the statement wrong?
Reduces the incidence of NTD by as much as 70% if ________ is taken daily 3 months prior to conception and continuing throughout gestation
Folic acid/folate, 400 mg
Neuron that is responsible for the myelination of the CNS
PNS- Schwann cells
What portion of the brain forms the lower part of the lateral wall and floor of the Third ventricle
Congenital malformation that results in Non fusion of the embryonic halves of the vertebral arches
Spina Bifida
Right and left hemisphere is divided by
Longitudinal fissure
- A disorder wherein there is immune mediated destruction of myelin confined to the CNS leading to slowing of conduction and neurological dysfunction.
- in the PNS?
- Multiple sclerosis
2. Guillain Barre Syndrome
True or false. The difference in structure of the superior and inferior follicular is the presence of substantia nigra
False. The presence of red nucleus in the superior and its absence in the inferior colliculi
Projection that connects broca’s area and wernicke’s area?
Arcuate fasciculus
Medulla cranial nerves
Glossopharyngeal (IX)
Vagus (X)
Accessory (XI)
Hypoglossal (XII)
Property of a neuron that enables it to transmit information for one cell to another
This pathway results in hyperkinesis of the thalamus (if altered with over production excitatory neurotransmitter)
Direct pathway
Primary gustatory area can be seen in what lobe
Parietal lobe
Separates parietal and occipital lobe
Transverse sulcus
dissolution of the Nissl bodies in the cell body of a neuron
Brodmann area for primary sensory
These are Highly specialized intercellular junctions which allow communication by linking neurones of each nervous pathway
Immune mediated destruction of myelin inthe PNS; illness is often trigerred by an infection
Guillain-Barre Syndrome
What cerebellar lobe is associated with regulation of muscle tone
True or false. Embryonic endoderm over developing notochord thickens to form neural plate
False. Ectoderm
Which part of the brain Influences the timing and force of contractions of voluntary muscle
Indicate the boundary between motor (medial), sensory (lateral)
Striae medullaris
Spinal cord in affected area is open because the neural folds failed to fuse
Spina bifida with myeloschisis
Brodmann area for wernicke’s area
What neurotransmitter is destroyed during Alzheimer’s disease? what destroys it?
Alzheimer’s disease an early pathological feature is loss of synapses from the Hippocampus and Cerebrum;
the synapses mediating neurotransmission are affected; acetylcholine is rapidly destroyed once secreted by cholinesterases
Posterior and flocculonodular lobe of the Cerebellum is divided by the
Posterolateral fissure
Neural tube : CNS = _____: PNS
Neural crest
Extends from the the frontal to occipital bones, above the anterior and middle cranial fossa. Posteriorly above the tentorium cerebelli.
Parietal and occipital lobe is separated by the
parieto-occipital sulcus
What type of cell in the nervous system can transform into large amoeboid phagocytic cell cells.
Microglia.For Protectionirregular shape , rod like comma shaped nucleus *from mesenchyme
Anomaly in L5 or S1, presence of small dimple with a tuft of hair
Spina Bifida Occulta
True or False. There are no microtubules in mature astrocytes.
Damage to what area will result to motor aphasia
What layer of the neural tube is the sensory horn located
Alar plate Mantle layer–Gray matter Alar plate –sensory horn Basal plate –motor horn• Marginal layer–White matter
Upper medulla is also called the
Open medulla
True or false. Thalamus receives precortical sensory input from all sensory systems
False. Not olfactory
Structural anomalies caused by abnormal __________________
It is the precursor of myelin sheath in the CNS
All neurons originate from the ectoderm except
It functions as a lymphatic system for the brain
Pia mater
Shortest part of the brainstem
Hypothalamus has a role in the ff system except A. Limbic B. Skeletal C. Endocrine D. Autonomic
Malformed brain is exposed, later this tissue degenerates.
Property of a neuron enables if to be stimulated
What cell in the nervous system, Mediates metabolic exchange between neurones and blood.
Astrocytes. most important.
Supporting cell in NS
Mediate metabolic exchange between neurones and blood*
Regulate the composition of the intercellular environment
Forms the floor of the rostral part of the 4th ventricle
A region where 2 Schwann cells meet. It is where axons do not have myelin sheath, thus saltation occurs.
Node of Ranvier
Part of the Neuron that is responsible for the genetic and metabolic process
What part of the brain is associated with the Centers associated with deglutition, coughing, vomiting, salivation, tongue movements, respiration and circulation
Shape of the neuron
The brain comprises ___% if the body weight
Large pyramidal cell neurons located within the fifth layer of the grey matter in the primary motor cortex, M1.
Betz cell or Pyramidal cell of Betz
How many nucleus are in a neuron
Embryo is called _____ during neuralation
Part of a neuron that Receives stimulus
Dendrites - sensory part
What meningeal mater and layer contains the cerebrospinal fluid?
Arachnoid Mater- Subarachnoid Space
Nissl granules is present in A. Dendrite B. axon C. Perikaryon D. 2 of the above
D (perikaryon and dendrite)
Neural tube birth defects can be detected by what pre natal screen test
Elevated Alpha fetoprotein ( normal value 0.5- 2.5 MoM)
Good to know; Down syndrome have low levels of AFP
Nissl granule is an example of what organelle
Rough ER
What are the 3 covering of the nerves?
Epineurium, Perineurium, Endoneurium
Separates frontal and parietal lobe
Central sulcus of rolando
True or false. All sensory neurons are bipolar
False. Special senses neurons are bipolar. Others are pseudounipolar
Where Centers associated with mastication, eye movements, facial expression, blinking, salivation, equilibrium and audition can be found
It induced the development of the overlying ectoderm into the neural tube, causes central longitudinal axis of the body to be established and eventually will give rise to notochord.
Highly specialized intercellular junctions which allow communicationby linking neurones of each nervous pathway
Largest neuron on the CNS
Betz cell
Motor neurone and the muscle fibers which it supplies together constitute a ___
Motor unit
When does secondary vesicles of the brain develops
5th week
Fusion of the neural folds in the cranial region and closure of the ____________________ form three primary brain vesicles
Rostral neuropore
Cells that lines cavities within brain
Ependymal cell
What do you call the change wherein Axon and its Myelin sheath degenerates completely?
Wallerian degeneration
termination of spinal cord on adult
Contains functional centersfor the integrationof all information passing from the brainstem and spinal cord to the cerebral hemispheres
Nerve cells with common form, function and connections that are grouped together outside the CNS
Forms the caudal floor of the 4th ventricle
Medulla oblongata
What is the outer layer of cerebrum?What is the inner layer of cerebrum?
Medulla inner
Only cranial nerve that originates from the posterior part of the brain
What are the 2 types of Ganglia?
Craniospinal ganglia and autonomic
Involved in key developmental processes, from patterning to neuronal migration to their respective role on neurogenesis.
Radial glial cells
What divides the trigenimal and vagal tone
Striae medullaris
Part of the pons except A. Anterior median sulcus B. basilar sulcus C. Facial nerve D. Vestibulocochlear nerve
A. It is part of the medulla
Termination of Spinal cord during birth
Microtubules: The orientation of microtubules in dendrites is mixed, both plus to minus and minus toplus
Cerebellum connected to brainstem through
Cerebellar peduncles
Pass through the inferior cerebrellar penducles except A. Posterior lobe B. anterior lobe C. Flocculonodular lobe D. Two of the above
Lysosomes that has already degraded much of its contents,but has non-digestible materials remaining.
Dense bodies
Collective term for superior and inferior colliculi
Corpora quadrigemina
Caudal tip of the fourth ventricle
It is the dissolution of the RER and loss of cytoplasmic basophilia during onset of regeneration accompanied by Perikaryon
type of spina bifida wherein Contains meninges with CSF
Spina bifida with meningocele
What neurotransmitter stimulates the striatum
It receives input from all parts of nervous system and in turn, exerts widespread influence on CNS function
Reticular formation
In comatose patients – if condition alters from decerebrate to decorticate posturing. Is this good or bad?
A system of spaces in the brain
Right and left hemisphere is connected by
Corpus callosum
The anterior neuropores close during ____ day of gestation
25th - anterior . Cranial 2/3
27th day - posterior. Caudal 1/3
what brain structure can be found in the Caudal tip of the 4th ventricle
Name of anterior lobe of the cerebellum according to its phylogeny
Relay station of the afferent sensory pathway to the cerebral cortex
Which of the following are not included in the telencephalon A. Cerebral cortex B. Basal ganglia C. Commissures D. Cerebellar cortex
What lobe of the cerebellum is for the coordination of voluntary movement
What part of the medulla can cuneate tubercle be found?
A. Anterior
B. Posterior
B.Anterior - pyramid. Olives
Posterior - gracile, cuneate
It acts as a cushion or buffer for the cortex, providing a basic mechanical and immunological protection to the brain inside the skull and serves a vital function in cerebral autoregulation of cerebral blood flow
Parietal and temporal lobe is divided by the
Lateral fissure of Sylvius
What part of the brain is conical in shape and connects the Pons above to the Spinal cord below
Functional name of the flocculonodular lobe of the cerebellum
Vestibular cerebellum
What part of the brain is a 2 egg-shaped masses bordering the third ventricle
During neurulation, neuroepithelium cells stop expressing ____________ and causes a loss of previous tight junction seal which is required for the generation of nonepithelium cells such as neurons.
When does neural fold takes place
18th day of gestation
Name the layers of cerebral cortex
1 - molecular (plexiform) layer 2 - outer granular layer 3 - pyramidal cell layer 4 - inner granular layer 5 - ganglionic layer 6 - multiform cell layer
What part of the brain is composed of large mass of gray matter that lies on either side of the Third ventricle
Extracellular trophic factors that affects progenitor and radial glial cells that can determine whether the cells will differentiate into either neurons or glia
CNTF (ciliary neurotrophic factor)NGR1 (cytokines or neuregulin 1)
What part of the brain Forms the floor of the rostral part of the 4th ventricle
Small amounts of Schwann cell cytoplasm that are not displaced to the periphery during Schwann cell formation of the myelin which subdivide the myelinated axon into irregular portions.
Myelin incisure or Schimdt-lanterman incisure
Situated on the anterior surface of the cerebellum below the midbrain and above the medulla oblongata
The process that results when a nerve fiber is cut or crushed, in which the part of the axon separated from the neuron’s cell body degenerates distal to the injury.
Wallerian degeneration
True or false. Cerebral cortex is responsible for more than half of the mass of the brain.
Narrow part of the brain that passes through the tentorialnotch and connects the forebrain to the hindbrain
Axons are first at _________ then a T-shaped fashion ___________
Bipolar; Unipolar
Cerebrum : ______= thalamus : 3rd ventricle
Lateral ventricle
True Or false. Diencephalon is Consists of a ventral Thalamus and a dorsal Hypothalamus
False. Dorsal thalamus, ventral hypothalamus
Defects in the formation of the cranium, often in the squamous part of the occipital bone
Cranium bifidum
True or false. Most people are left brain dominant
Right handed = left dominant
Left handed = 60% right brain dominant , 40% left brain dominant
Innervates the structures of the body wall (muscle, skin, and mucous membrane)
Somatic Nervous System
structure that separates lateral ventricle
septum pellucida
largest commissure of the brain
corpus callosum
What are the three primary vesicles?
Prosencephalon Mesencephalon Rhombencephalon
consist of the white matter located between the basal ganglia and the thalamus
internal capsule
Trace the derivatives of the brain vesicles
Telencephalon — w: Cerebral Hemispheres; c: lateral ventricles
Diencephalon — w: Thalami; c: Third ventricle
Mesencephalon — w: Midbrain; c: Aqueduct
Metencephalon — w: Pons and Cerebellum; c: upper part of fourth ventricle
Myelencephalon — w: Medulla; c: lower part of the fourth ventricle
structure located between the telencephalon and mesencephalon and between the interventricular foramen and the posterior commissure
A.k.A epiphysis cerebri
pineal body
Thin epithelial membrane lining the ventricular system of the brain and the spinal cord, that is involved in the production of cerebrospinal fluid.
structure separated from the hypothalamus via hypothalamic sulcus
Positional changes of Spinal Cord during 6 months
a.k.a ventral thalamus
separates occipital lobe and cerebellum
transverse sulcus
result from closure of the anterior neuropore
lamina terminalis
structure that connects lat ventricle and 3rd ventricle
foramen of monro
structure in the medulla oblongata that contains the corticospinal tract
a.k.a. stupid cranial nerve
trochlear nerve
structure that is attached to the brainstem by three cerebellar peduncle
structure that separate cerebellum from temporal lobe and occipital lobe
tentorium cerebelli
connects the cerebellum to pons and mid brain
sup. cerebellar peduncle
lesion on wernicke’s will result to what aphasia?
fluent aphasia or sensory aphasia
structure locate between the primary fissure of cerebellum and posterolateral fissure
posterior lobe
lesion on area 41,42 will lead to?
BG system: structure associated with Corpus striatum
Caudate, Putamen, Globus pallidus