neuro 5? Flashcards
reflex functions in all segments of the isolated spinal cord are suspended
spinal shock (1 to 6 weeks as a rule but sometimes far longer) It also involves autonomic reflexes
lesions of the fourth to fifth cervical segments will lead to what paralysis??
Paraplegia - thoracic vord
episodic and occurs in response to a certain stimuli, such as a distended bladder or rectum.
Autonomic dysreflexia
spinal cord that recovers within minutes or hours but sometimes persists for a day or several days.
Transient Cord Injury (Spinal Cord Concussion)
Type of SCI that manifest as UE>LE affectation.
Central cord syndrome
cavitation of the central parts of the spinal cord, usually in the cervical region,
Which CN conducts sensory impulses from the greater part of the face and head
CN 5
sensory part lies in the gasserian or semilunar Ganglion
(largest sensory ganglia)
This reflex is enhanced in spastic bulbar (pseudobulbar) palsy
Jaw reflex
All of the ff nerve can be severed on a pt with lesion on cavernous sinus except A. CN 4 B. CN 5 C. CN 6 D. CN 3 E. NOTA F. AOTA
Nervus intermedius of wrisberg
Upon attempted closure of the lids, both eyes roll upward
Bell’s phenomenon
a facial palsy associated with a vesicular eruption in the external auditory canal, other parts of the cranial integument, and mucous membrane of the oropharynx
Ramsay Hunt syndrome
herpes zoster of the geniculate ganglion
Pati CN 8 affected
If the uvula deviates on the right side which CN is affected and its laterality?
Lumapit kau sakin at sabihin ang sagot…haha
Which motor nucleus of the vagus nerve supplies visceral motor fibers to the heart and other thoracic and abdominal organs
Dorsal motor nucleus
Ambiguus- supplies somatic motor fibers to the striated muscles of larynx, pharynx and palatell
derived from the caudalmost cells of the nucleus ambiguus
Accessory nerve
Mm that acts to protrude the tongue
Styloglossus - retracts and elevates
Hypoglossus - curling of the tongue
Which CN s severed if the pt has dysphagia
All of the ff can be seen on a pt with CN 11 lesion except for
A. Weakness on the SCM
B. weakness on upper and mid. Trapezius
C. Weakness can be demonstrated by asking the patient to shrug his shoulders
D. the shoulder on the affected side droops and the scapula is slightly winged
Mid and lower
C3-4 cervical plexus
transient monocular blindness, it is caused by vascular disease, lasting minutes to hours is more common
amaurosis fugax
reported as a nonmathematical fraction that represents the patient’s ability compared to that of a person with normal distance vision
True or false
Most of the cones are concentrated in the macular region, particularly in its central part
Cranial Nerve that originates from edinger-westphal nuclei is a A. Pure motor B. Pure sensory C. Both D. No CN originates from this structure
Lesion on All of the ff structure can lead to scotoma except for. A.macula B. Retina C. Optic nerve D nota
lesion of the decussating fibers of the optic chiasm and is caused most often by the suprasellar extension of a tumor of the pituitary gland
Bitemporal hemianopia
a loss of vision in corresponding halves of the visual fields
Homonymous hemianopia
all the calcarine cortex or all the subcortical geniculocalcarine fibers on both sides are completely destroyed
Cortical blindness
Lesions of both occipital poles
bilateral central scotomas
Blindness that is the result of destruction of both visual and adjacent regions of the occipital lobes
Cortical blindness
Normal color vision depends on the integrity of A. Rods B. Cones C. Both D. Nota
Most numerous in macular regionll
The symmetrical and synchronous movement of the eyes is termed
conjugate movement or gaze
Rapid voluntary conjugate movements of the eyes to the opposite side are initiated by what brodmann area?
Area 8
Which of the lesion/STROKE can manifest contralateral gazepalsy. A. PCA B. ACA C. MCA D. NOTA
True or false
Posterior parietal lesions reduce pursuit movements but do not cause a gaze palsy
this is the parasympathetic portion of the oculomotor nucleus.