Neuro - Lower limb Flashcards
Weakness of hip flexion, wasting of quadriceps, decreased knee jerk?
-sensory loss over thigh
(Intact hip adduction)
Femoral n. lesion (ex. diabetic amyoptophy)
-obturator n. (hip adduction) preserved
Weakness of hip flexion/adduction, wasted quadriceps, decreased knee jerk?
L2/3/4 root or plexus lesion
Causes - malignancy, obstetric injury, diabetic amyotrophy
UMN weakness in 1 leg - mainly hip/knee flexion and ankle dorsiflexion/eversion?
Corticospinal lesion
Test UL/face
UMN weakness in bilateral legs?
Cord lesion (paraparesis) - look for sensory level
Proximal weakness of UL+LL
-Ddx depends on reflexes
Normal reflexes - myopathy or NMJ pathology
Hyporeflexic - spinal muscular atrophy (SMN1 gene) or Lambert-eaton
Hyperreflexic - MND, multilacunar strokes, cervical myelopathy (arms may be hyporeflexic)
Weakness in hip adduction?
Obturator n. lesion (obstetric injury)
Distal leg weakness +/- hip extension, loss of ankle jerk?
Sciatic n. lesion
Weakness of foot dorsiflexion/eversion/EHL?
b. Weakness of dorsiflexion only?
Common peroneal n. lesion (sensory loss lateral calf/foot)
b. Deep peroneal n. lesion (sensory loss between big and 2nd toe)
Weakness of dorsiflexion/inversion/eversion?
L4/5 root or plexus lesion
Distal LL weakness?
Ddx: peripheral neuropathy sciatic n. lesion (loss of ankle jerk) root or plexus lesion MND (anterior horn)
UMN weakness in 1 leg - proceed?
Brown-sequard - check for pinprick/vibration loss inother leg
ACA occlusion - check primitive grasp reflex in ipsilateral hand
R leg - Lateral medullary syndrome - aphasia
UL+LL weakness same side - stroke
Ix for peripheral neuropathy?
NCS - axonal vs demyelination EMG - confirm denervation Nerve biopsy CSF - elevated protein in CIDP Metabolic - BSL, B12, folate, vasculitic screen
Pes cavus Ddx?
Charcot Marie Tooth
Friedrichs ataxia
Spina bifida
Friedreichs ataxia?
Cerebellar LMN weakness, pyramidal weakness (upgoing plantars), pes cavus DCT - loss of vibration/proprioception Cardiac - conduction defects, HOCM Hearing loss Diabetes
Sensory ataxia causes
Sensory neuropathy Tabes dorsalis SCD Subacute combined degeneration of the cord MS