neuro lesions Flashcards
subacture combined degenration of spinal chord?
Bilateral spastic paresis and loss of fine touch, proprioception.
UMN SX: loss of ankle jerk, brisk knee reflexes, extensor plantar, muscle wasting,
CX: b12
Anterior spinal A occlusion SX?
Bilateral spastic paresis (lateral cortciospinal), loss of pain and temp sensation (lateral spinothalamic)
Freidrich’s ataxia?
Bilateral spastic paresis and loss of fine touch, proprioception. and cerebellar sx - ataxia
MCA occlusion Sx?
upper limb sens more than lower limb sens loss hemianopia, wernicke's facial droop dysphagia
ACA occlusion?
legs sensation loss more than upper limbs. broca’s aphasia, personality/behaviour change
Frontal lobe SX?
Broca’s personality, inhibition, incontinuence, gait, anosmia
parietal lobe SX?
somatosensory loss, writing maths, cant draw clock, inferior quadrantopia, finger agnosia, apraxia,
temporal lobe SX?
wernicke’s aphasia, sup quadrantopia, like foreign language, cant recognise facial expressions,
occipital lobe SX?
visual agnosia, HH - macula sparing, cortical blindness,
cerebellar hemisphere vs vermis sx?
hemisphere: peripheral ataxia
vermis: gait affected
a teenage boy presents with clumsy walking. On examination he has gait ataxia, an intention tremor and loss of lower limb reflexes
friedreich’s ataxia
a 25-year-old man with muscle weakness is reviewed in clinic. On shaking his hand he has difficultly loosening his grip. On examination he has frontal balding, bilateral ptosis and cataracts
Myotonic dystrophy
tuberous sclerosis features
Cutaneous features
depigmented ‘ash-leaf’ spots which fluoresce under UV light
roughened patches of skin over lumbar spine (Shagreen patches)
adenoma sebaceum (angiofibromas): butterfly distribution over nose
fibromata beneath nails (subungual fibromata)
café-au-lait spots* may be seen
Neurological features
developmental delay
epilepsy (infantile spasms or partial)
intellectual impairment
retinal hamartomas: dense white areas on retina (phakomata)
rhabdomyomas of the heart
gliomatous changes can occur in the brain lesions
polycystic kidneys, renal angiomyolipomata
lymphangioleiomyomatosis: multiple lung cysts
Syringomyelia SX?
- Flacid paresis (typically affecting the intrinsic hand muscles)
- Loss of pain and temperature sensation
Neurosyphilis (tabes dorsalis) SX?
- Loss of proprioception and vibration sensation. no motor loss.