Neuro Lab Flashcards
lesions affecting the _____ nucleus or nerve present with lateral strabismus, diplopia, and pupillary dilation
oculomotor (uncal herniation)
function of abducens nuclei
lateral rectus nucleus of ipsilateral eye
region within the reticular formation at the rostral end of the medial longitudinal fasciculus in the midbrain involved in coordinating conjugate vertical eye movements
interstitial nucleus aka vertical gaze center aka nucleus of cajal
root that mediates dorsiflexion at the ankle
what carries sensation from head and neck
crossing fibers of auditory
trapezoid body
function of spinal nucleus and tract of V
protopathic sensory from face, then epicritic
protopathic sense
pain, temperature
tract in the genu of the internal capsule
corticobulbar (motor)
axons in lateral lemniscus
from both ears
where will you find contralateral cerebellar signs
superior cerebellar peduncle, red nucleus
artery that supplies basal ganglia, post limb internal capsule, visual radiations, thalamus, amygdala
artery that supplies dorsal 1/3 of spinal cord
posterior spinal (2)
function of chief sensory nucleus of V
epicritic sensation for head and neck, same side
two tracts in the anterior limb of the interal capsule
frontopontine, thalamocortical
at the caudal midbrain level, the medial lemniscus carries ____ signal for the entire (ipsi/contra) lateral side of the body
epicritic sensory signals, contralateral, including the head
spinal nucleus of CN 5 in the medulla receives what type of info
protopathic from face
to where do projections from the inferior olive go
cross over, serve as source of climbing fibers in cerebellum
blood supply to inferior cerebellar peduncle
damage to the cranial nucleus or nerve itself causes (ipsi/contra) lateral symptoms
signs of tumor
unilateral, progressive, increased intracranial pressure
type of stroke that causes: bilateral blindness (occ lobes), memory loss (temp lobes), somatosensory loss (thalamus)
top of the basilar
what carries protopathic
made in locus ceruleus
stroke to anterior spinal artery, medulla branch
contralateral sensory loss and paresis, ipsilateral tongue paralysis
pathology of solitary nuc and is it ipsi or contra
ipsilateral loss of taste
localizer for anterograde amnesia
parahippocampal gyri
stroke to anterior cerebral
contralateral paralysis and sensory loss in leg and foot, sometimes apraxia
dilation of pupil localizes to what area of the brain
signs of AICA stroke
facial paralysis, deafness, CN 7 and 8 problems
SCA stroke symptoms
ataxia, tremor, protopathic loss to face, Horner’s
pathology of medial longitudinal fasciculus
internuclear opthalmoplegia: contralateral eye cannot adduct for conjugate gaze shift but can adduct during convergence
efferent portion of gag reflex (which CN)
X vagus
a pinealoma will press down on the ____ ____ and the first diagnostic symptom is:
posterior commissure; paralysis of upward eye movements
stroke to post cerebral, bilateral
top of basilar occlusion, bilateral blindness, memory loss, somatosensory loss, coma, death
CN _ =afferent limb of pupillary light reflex
symptoms of vermis and flocculus lesions
ataxia, broad based gait, nystagmus, hypotonia
afferent portion of gag reflex (which CN)
IX glossopharyngeal
can’t speak but understand fine
broca’s (inf frontal gyrus)
rostral endpoint of midbrain
posterior commissure
function of pineal body
makes melatonin
tract that connects the abducens nuclei in pons to the trochlear and oculomotor nuclei in the midbrain, crosses
medial longitudinal fasciculus
artery that supplies occipital lobe, medial temporal, portion of parietal, midbrain, crus cerebri, posterior thalamus, angular gyrus
posterior cerebral artery
cranial nerves evident on surface of basilar pons
8, 7, 6, 5
root that mediates inversion of foot
superior colliculi are part of the ___ system
epicritic sense
vibration, tactile form (2 point discrimination), position sense, simple touch
function of dorsolateral fasiculus
protopathic enters here, goes up a few, then crosses over through anterior white commissure to the anterolateral system
stroke to post communicating arteries
contralateral paresis, coma, death
artery that supplies ventral 2/3 spinal cord
anterior spinal
cranial nerve in middle pons
V-motor nucleus, principal sensory nucleus
roots that mediate flexion at the elbow and the biceps reflex
C5 and C6
midbrain region that makes dopamine and where the neurons project
substantia nigra, striatum
where is the spinal nucleus of V and what sensory info is there
medulla and caudal pons, protopathic
root that mediates hip abductors and dorsiflexion of food
six UMN signs
spastic paralysis, hyperreflexia, Babinski, hypertonia, CN7 contralateral lower face droop, CN12 tongue deviates to contralateral side
seven LMN signs
flaccid paralysis, hyporeflexia, decreased muscle tone, muscle atrophy, muscle fasciculations, CN7 entire half face paralysis, CN12 lick the lesion
three outputs of vestibular nuclei
cranial nerve nuclei that move the eyes (3, 4, 6), to spinal cord via vestibulospinal tracts (posture), to cerebellum via inferior cerebellar peduncle (balance, reflexive eye movements)
lesions to which CN cause deafness in ipsilateral ear, nystagmus, vertigo, and balance problems
what CN does protrusion of tongue test
how does the rostral pons connect to the cerebellum
sup cerebellar peduncles
roots that mediate extension of knee and adductors of hip
L2 and L3