Neuro: Imaging Flashcards
EEG shows:
Focal discharges/spikes c/w focal problem
tumor/infarct/scar tissue
EEG shows:
Generalized changes/slowing c/w metabolic disorders
EMG and NC differentiates between…
muscle vs neurologic d/o
EMG shows fatigability…
The below conditions indicate which test…
Alcoholic neuropathy Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) Brachial plexopathy Carpal tunnel syndrome Cervical spondylosis Denervation Guillain Barre Muscular dystrophy Myasthenia gravis Myopathy Nerve dysfunction Peripheral neuropathy Polymyositis
NC exam is performed in conjuction with…
Which test differentiates between LMN d/o and peripheral neuropathy?
which imaging is indicated?
Trauma Stroke Hydrocephalus Suspicious headaches Altered mental status
which imaging is indicated?
• Loss of consciousness • Persistent neurologic dysfunction • Persistent vomiting • GCS < 8 or deteriorating • Retrograde or antegrade amnesia • Post traumatic seizures
which CT is mandatory to r/o hemorrhagic stroke prior to TPA
Indications ◦ Tumors ◦ Vascular disease ◦ Inflammation/infection ◦ Multiple sclerosis ◦ Degenerative disease (spinal cord)
which imaging technique is better for pathology?
T1 or T2?
CSF appears ___ on T2
study of choice for brain tumors
MRI with gladolinium
most sensitive test when
you suspect an acute ischemic stroke of the
brain and/or spinal cord.
Diffusion MR
Which test?
•“Worst HA of my • New HA in patients with cancer or HIV • HA w/papilledema • HA w/neurologic deficit • HA w/mental status changes • HA that worsens w/exertion, positionally related, awakens pt. from sleep, changes over time
Which test?
◦ New vision loss ◦ Aphasia ◦ Mental Status changes ◦ Sensory abnormalities ◦ Motor paralysis ◦ Vertigo w/HA, diplopia, focal deficit, ataxia, or dsyarthria
What test?
• Radiculopathy persistent/progressive • High impact trauma • New or progressive deficit • Suspected tumor or infection • Neurogenic claudication • New onset of back pain in a patient with cancer
MRI Spine
When is LP contraindicated?
papilledema/ increased ICP