Neuro H&P Review Flashcards
Three important questions should govern your neurologic exam:
○ Is the mental status intact?
○ Are right-sided and left-sided findings symmetric?
○ If the findings are asymmetric or otherwise abnormal, does the
causative lesion lie in the CNS or PNS?
Assess your patient’s Orientation to:
○ Person - “What is your name?”
○ Place - “Where are we right now?” (Get specific)
○ Time - “What is today’s day and date?”
○ Situation - “Why are you here right now?”
Assess your patient’s Attention Span:
○ Serial 7’s - “Count backwards by 7 starting at 100”
○ “Spell the word WORLD backwards.”
The Olfactory Nerve
○ Test sense of smell by presenting a
familiar and non-irritating odor
Test Visual Acuity-
○ Using a Snellen or Rosenbaum eye chart,
assess the patient’s visual acuity
Test Visual Fields by Confrontation
Testing CNs II and III:
Pupillary Reaction
○ Inspect the size and shape of the pupils,
comparing one side with the other
○ Using a Penlight or flashlight, test the
pupillary reaction to light
Testing CNs III, IV, and VI:
Extraocular Movements
○ Assess extraocular movements in the six cardinal directions of gaze and
look for loss of conjugate gaze in any of the six directions
The Trigeminal Nerve-
○ To assess the Motor portion of the nerve, have the patient clench their teeth and assess temporalis and masseter muscles by palpation
○ To assess the Sensory portion of
the nerve, assess sharp/dull (pain)
sensation and light touch
sensation in all three branches of
the nerve (V1, V2, and V3)
CNs V and VII:
The Corneal Reflex-
○ To assess the Corneal Reflex arch that exists
between CN V and CN VII, touch the cornea of
the eye with a very light wisp of cotton
The Facial Nerve-
○ Assess facial symmetry and various facial movements
Assess Auditory Acuity-
○ While standing about 3-6 feet behind your patient, assess hearing
bilaterally using the Whispered Voice test
○ If hearing loss is present, you may choose to
assess further by determining if the hearing
loss is conductive or sensorineural using the
Weber and Rinne tests
CNs IX and X:
Soft Palate, Voice, and Gag-
○ Listen to the patient’s voice, assessing for
hoarseness that can happen with unilateral
vocal cord paralysis.
○ Have the patient say “ah” and watch the
soft palate elevate. If one side fails to
elevate, the uvula points to the unaffected
side- Don’t get this backwards!
○ Test the gag reflex by lightly touching the
back of the throat on each side in turn.
Spinal Accessory Nerve-
○ Ask the patient to turn his/her head to each side against your hand to assess the strength and symmetry of contraction of the opposite
sternocleidomastoid muscle.
○ As the patient to shrug both shoulders
upward and push down with your hands
The Tongue-
○ Assess the tongue at rest and look for any atrophy or
fasciculations that would indicate CN XII nerve damage
If the Lower Motor Neuron is lost, _____
flaccid muscle
weakness will develop (lack of tone)
If the Upper Motor Neuron is lost, ______
spastic muscle weakness will develop (too much tone).
______, which can be seen with Parkinson’s Disease and some disorders of Upper Motor Neuron
Cogwheel Rigidity
There are multiple ways to assess
coordination, and one of them is _____
Point-to- Point movements.
Two-Point discrimination should be _____ or less on the finger pads.