Neuro/developmental Flashcards
When should a term infant who is breast feeding regain weight?
Formula feeding?
Breast- 2 wks
Formula- 10 days
How much weight is a child excepted to gain in the first 3 months?
20-30 g/day or 1kg/mo
1.5-2.5 cm/mo for first 6 mo then 1 cm/mo for second 6 mo
When does child double bw? Triple?
Doubles by 5th month
Triples by 1st birthday
Genetic short stature
Normal in first few mo then growth percentiles decline in first 2-3 yrs
Signs of FTT
Subcutaneous fat loss Muscle atrophy Alopecia Lagging behind norms Lethargy
2 mo
Head up prone
Social smile
4 mo
Rolls over
Laughs and squeals
Regards hand
6 mo
Sits well unsupported
Rolls prone to supine
9 mo
Pincer grasp-immature
Mama/dada or bye bye
12 mo
Walks with one hand held
Knows 1-3 words
Follows one step command with gesture
2 yrs
Walks up and down stairs Runs Kicks ball 2-3 word phrases Pronouns
3 yrs
Copies a circle
Pedals a tricycle
Plays simple games
6 yrs
Draws a person with 6 parts
Ids left vs right
4 yrs
Hops on 1 foot
Tells. Story
Throws overhand
Can ID 4 body parts
5 yo
Copies triangle
Catches ball
Partially dresses self
Writes name
Moro reflex
Birth to 5-6 mo
Allow head to fall back and response should be symmetric extensions, addiction and then flexion of limbs
Startle reflex
Birth to 5-6 mo
Galant reflex
Birth to 2-6 mo
Stroke parameter real region of back and pelvis will move towards stimulated side
Sucking reflex
Becomes voluntary at 3 mo