Neuro development Flashcards
Nervous system is derived from…
notochord is derived from…
What are the 3 primitive vesicles formed by neural tube?
1) prosencephalon (forebrain - forms telen and diencephalon)
2) mesencephalon (midbrain)
3) Rhomencephalon (hindbrain - forms meten and myelencephalon)
What does the Proesencephalon form?
the telencephalon, diencephalon, and optic vesicles
What are the 5 vesicles derived from the 3?
1) Telencephalon
2) Diencephalon
3) Mesencephalon
4) Metencephalon
5) Myelencephalon
What does the Telencephalon form?
cerebral cortex, basal ganglia, hippocampus, amygdala
What does the Diencephalon form?
thalamus, hypothalamus, choroid plexus, pineal body
What does the Mesencephalon form?
tegmentum, tectal and peduncular regions
What does the Metencephalon form?
pons and cerebellum
What does the Myelencephalon form?
medulla or brainstem