Neuro Clinical skills Flashcards
What is the purpose of a subjective assessment
learn information about pt that can help you come up with treatments for the pt
learn about possible genetic conditions
What is the order of things you should ask in a subjective assessment
start with intro about urself
ask for pt demos (age name address gender pronouns)
ask for consent
presenting condition
history of presenting condition
drug/medication history
family history
social historyy
what red flags should you look for during a subjective assessment?
MJthreads ca
myocardial infarction
rheumatoid fever
What should you ask under history of present complaint
SOCRATEs - pain assess
associated symptoms
exacerbating/relieving factors
What do you test for in motor assessment
active ROM, passive ROM, and resisted ROM
feel for muscle bulk and tone
test for reflexes (lower motor neuron lesions mean there would not be a reflex response)
What are the characteristics of an upper motor neuron lesion
rigid paralysis
high tone
hyper reflexia
no atrophy of muscle
occur inside the brain or spinal cord
What are the characteristics of a lower motor neuron lesion
low tone
flaccid paralysis
muscle atrophy
occur in peripheral motor nerves
What do you do for a sensory LMN
tracts - light touch, pain, temp (dont have) , vibration, pressure on dermatomes
pressure, pain, temp - spinothalamic
light touch and vibration - dorsal column
joint position sense (is joint up or down) - spinocerebellar tract
proprioception movement sense - mirror movements with another limb with closed eyes - spinocerebellar tract
What do you do for a sensory UMN
tracts - light touch , pain, temp (dont have) , vibration
joint position sense (is joint up or down)
proprioception movement sense - mirror movements with another limb with closed eyes
Localization test (touch one limb, make them touch the location with other limb)
posterior column
2 point discrimination test - have 2 points and see if pt can tell if its one or two points
Stereognosis - ability to identify object from feeling it - give pt something to hold, and then ask them to identify the shape with eyes closed
Graphesthesia - ability to recognize writing or shapes inscribed onto hand - eyes closed draw a number or letter in palm of hand
neglect - open hands infront of pt, and ask them to tell you which hand is opening, then have them close eyes and touch each hand and then both, and ask them to raise hand that is touched, can also do clock thing
describe how you would position a pt for lying on affected side
1-2 pillows for head, affected shoulder with pillows,
unaffected leg flexed and pillows under with affected leg straight
describe how you would set up a pt lying on unaffected side
1-2 pillows for head
affected shoulder forward with arm supported by pillow
affected leg straight back with pillows
unaffected leg flexedd
how would you set up sitting in bed or lying on back
pillows supporting shoulders and head, with affected arm under pillow
same with sitting, but more pillows and pillows under both arms
how would you set up sitting in chair
arms forward onto two pillows on table, feet flat on floor with knees above them, affected hand can go up on plinth with pillow under and towel to keep hand open
How would you do neuro stretching
start at most proximal joint and work your way down
ex - arm would be shoulder flexion, extension, abduction, rotations, then into elbow extension/flexion, then soupination/pronation, then wrist flexion/extension, then thumb abduction, and splay fingers on towel
hip - anchor leg with stool and stretch into abduction, and also do hamsrting stretch my keeping knee flexed, going into hip flexion, and then straightening the leg
helps by increasing ROM and preventing contracture
What is ataxia
impaired coordination
made up of :
dysmetria - cant control range of movement (under/overshoots)
dysynergia - errors in timing
Dysdiadochokinesia - inability to perform rapidly alternating movemtns
What is cerebellar ataxia
impaired balancee
how is cerebellar ataxia treated
balance exercises
standing with eyes closed
heel toe walking
reaching out while standing
catching/throwing on two legs
progression leads to single leg stands, single leg catching/throwing
how is ataxia treated
dysynergia - reach cup by the time i count to 5, can be with upper or lower limb
dysdiadochokinesa - rapidly tap thighs and keep switching between pronated and soupinated
dysmetria - heel to shin, or finger to nose test, or stacking cups
what are the functional movements?
sit to stand - head back, shoulders back, arms out, rock back n forth, ready steady stand while pushing off the chair
stacking cups
what are strengthening exercises for those with ataxia
hypotonia - high energy, tactile stimulation, tapping and getting them riled up
no gravity, gravity, resistance
increases neural motor recruitment