Neuro And Micturition Flashcards
Pelvic nerve?
PSNS to bladder—urinate
Ach, muscarinic
Hypogastric nerve?
L1-4 dogs, L2-5 cats
SNS—store urine
Nor-adrenaline, beta 3 receptors in bladder, alpha 1 receptors in urethra
Pudental nerve?
Somatic to external urethral sphincter
Ach, nicotinic
Passive phase—filling
L1-4 (SNS)—hypogastric
Beta receptors in bladder are activated—allow stretching
Alpha 1 receptros are activated (trigone + prox urethra)
Block PSNS flow
Active phase—voiding
Reflex: stretch receptors —> pelvic n. —> spinal cord —> brain stem —> PSNS outflow (S1-3)
Contraction of bladder wall—mm fibers contract
Pudental n is inhibited, dec urethral sphincter tone (can be over-ridden by cerebrum)
What are the characteristics of an UMN bladder?
Detrusor areflexia, sphincter hyperreflexia
Small bladder —> large distended bladder
How do you tx an UMN bladder?
Banclofen (antispasmodic)
What are the characteristics of a LMN bladder?
Detrusor areflexia, sphincer areflexia
Large bladder
Constant leaking
How do you tx a LMN bladder?
Express 3-4x/day
What is detrusor-sphincter dyssenergia?
Detrusor contracts + sphincter spasms
How do you tx detrusor-sphincter dyssynergia?
Phenoxybenzamine (alpha-andrenergic blocker)
What is dysautonomia?
All ANS signs. Mainly GI + <3 problems.
Poor px
What is detrusor atony?
From overfill. Obstruciton. Large flaccid bladder.
How do you tx detrusor atony?
Manually express
What is urge incontinence/detrusor instability/detrusor hyperreflexia?
Contraction during urine storage
Dec detrusor compliance (cystometrography)
Pollakiuria, stranguria, dysuria
How do you tx urge incontinence?
Anticholinergic—oxybutynin, imipramine, dicyclomine
What is urinary incontinence?
Involuntary escape of urine during storage phase
What is the etx of urinary incontinence?
Urinary sphincter mechanism incontinence (USMI)
What is the signalment/characteristics of USMI?
Spayed bitches, large breed dogs, LOW ESTROGEN
How do you tx USMI?
Estrogen alone/PPA + estrogen
Collagen injections
Ephedrine similar to PPA but CV side effects
Sx—colposuspension + urethropexy
How to dx an ectopic ureter and what are the CS?
Contrast enhanced CT + cystoscopy
Wet coat, inflamed perineum, excoriations
How do you tx an ectopic ureter?
Cystoscopic laser ablation