Neuro Flashcards
At what vertebral level does the Common Carotid artery bifurcate?
Which artery supplies the medial surface of the parietal lobe?
Middle Cerebral Artery
The vertebral arteries arise from which artery?
Denticulate ligaments are triangular ligaments that anchor the spinal cord along its length, at each side. Which layer do they arise from?
Pia Matter
CSF escapes through here to reach subarachnoid space
Roof of IV Ventricle
A small ependymal tumour here can lead to hydrocephalus in children
Cerebral Aqueduct
Where Produces the most CSF
Lateral Ventricle
Which artery is the cystic artery most commonly a branch of?
Right hepatic artery
A patient was diagnosed with bleeding ulcer of the lesser curvature of the stomach. Which artery is most likely involved?
Left Gastric
What is a derivative of the dorsal mesogastrium?
Greater Momentum
Jejunum Vasa recta?
What are vasa recta?
straight arteries
The inferior border of the rectus sheath posteriorly is called the:
arcuate line
An obstetrician decides to do a Caesarean section on a 25-year-old pregnant woman. A transverse suprapubic incision is chosen for that purpose. All of the following abdominal wall layers will be encountered during the incision EXCEPT the:
posterior rectus sheath
Direct inguinal hernias lie where?
Medial to inferior epigastric artery
Psoas Major innervation
Ventral Rami of l1-3
The Middle Meningeal artery passes through which foramen?
Foramen spinosum
which nerves passes through jugular foramen?
Glossopharyngeal, Vagus and Accessory
Which nerve passes through foramen rotundum
which nerve passes through foramen ovale
which nerves pass through internal acoustic meatus?
facial and vestibuclochlear
which nerves pass through superior orbital fissure?
Oculomotor, Trochlear and Abducens
What attaches to crista Galli?
Falx Cerebri
Ciliary body contraction results in
making the suspensory ligaments lax
Intorsion abduction depression is associated with which eye muscle
Which muscle is being tested when you ask your patient to elevate the eye in adduction?
The TMJ is a modified hinge joint with an articular cartilage disc within the joint. What type of cartilage is this disc formed from?
Which muscle causes protraction of the jaw?
Lateral Pterygoid
The diencephalon is closely related to what?
3rd ventricle
What is the name given to the tapering conical end of the spinal cord?
Conus Medullaris
To what does the filum terminale attach distally?
At what vertebral level does the larynx continue as the trachea?
Whichis an unpaired bone that forms part of the skeleton of the nose?
The perpendicular plate of the ethmoid forms part of the:
nasal septum
What forms the FLOOR of the posterior triangle of the neck?
Prevertebral fascia
Which important vascular structure bifurcates within the carotid triangle?
Which potential space in the neck could allow for the tracking of pus into the posterior mediastinum?
Which vertebral level marks the bifurcation of the common carotid arteries?
Which nerve traverses the posterior triangle?
During an elective thyroidectomy surgery, the superior thyroid artery is ligated. Which nerve runs close to this artery?
external laryngeal nerve
What is the collective action of the suprayhyoid muscles?
elevation of hyoid bone
Name the suture that separates the frontal from the parietal bone.
The ear ossicles are found inside
petrous part of temporal bone
The loose connective tissue layer is considered the danger area of the scalp because pus from this layer can track intracranially. Which veins are responsible for this?
Emissary veins
Name the third layer of the scalp.
Occipitofrontal aponeurosis
Which structure lies immediately superior to the parotid gland?
Zygomatic Arch
From which artery does the facial artery arise?
External Carotid