Neuro 5 Flashcards
Through what pathways does the pupillary light reflex pass? What nucleus does it skip?
1) Pretectal
2) Edinger-Westfall
3) Cilliary ganglion
4) It skips Lateral Geniculate Nucleus
What does an afferent lesion in the pupillary reflex pathway produce? An efferent?
1) Constriction of both pupils when light is shined into the unaffected eye
2) The affected side is unable to contract no matter what (CN-3)
Which CN nuclei are medial?
CN 3, 6, 12
Which CN nuclei are found in the Medulla? Pons? Midbrain?
1) 9, 10, 12
2) 5-8
3) 3-4
Which nerves travel through the cavernous sinus?
CN 3, 4, 5 (V1/2), and 6
What are 3 general scenarios that can produce lesions in the cavernous sinus?
1) Infections in the “danger zone” drainage area of the face
2) Infarcts of the internal carotid
3) Pituitary adenomas
What information does the Vagal nucleus Solitarius receive/send? Ambiguus? Dorsal Motor?
1) Sensory (visceral taste baroreceptors, gut distension)
2) Motor (oral cavity)
3) Parasympathetic motor to heart, lungs, and upper GI