Neuro Flashcards
-signal reception
Soma (cell body)
-signal reception
Axon hillock
- signal integration
- sense change in membrane pot and initiates AP
- signal conduction
- APs conducted down to axon terminal
Pre-syn terminal
- Signal transmission
- NT released into synapse and transmits a signal to the target cell
-incr P, incr # leak channels
= P + ions
ex- Na moving through a Na channel is Na current
Resting membrane pot (Vm)
- the voltage difference across the cell membrane AT REST
- inside is -70 mV
leak channels
- channels that are always open (not gated)– ion channels so they are selective
- permit unregulated flow of ions down their electrochem gradient until they are in equil
- they disrupt the conc gradient made by Na/K ATPase
Na/K ATPase
- actively transports N out and K in
- helps maintain conc gradients in order to do work. so it counters the effect of leak channels
- electrogenic pump
electrogenic pump
pumping ions in opposite directions in unequal numbers
Resting membrane pot reqs:
- electrical gradient
- chem gradient
- leak channels
- Na/K ATPase
Driving force =
= Vm - Ex
[K+] is higher on the
[Na+] is higher on the
[Cl-] is higher on the
[A-] is higher on the
-there is none outside so there is no permeability
Nernst equil pot (definition)
the membrane pot that will balance the conc for a particular ion. Conc bw the inside and outside will be balanced
Nernst equil pot =
RT/ZF ln [X]o / [X]in
(T/F) when an ion is in equil, it can still flow through a leak channel
T, it will just have no great flux
1 ion sets the membrane pot for the cell when
the cell only has leak channels for that particular ion
Why is Ca2+ very low in the inside of the cell? And describe the DF
- cell wants to tightly regulate Ca2+ bc it’s a second messenger
- DF is huge to go inside
Goldman-Hodgkin Katz eqn (definition) and why is everything normalized to K?
allows more accurate prediction of Vm bc P reflects pop of leak channels
-Normalized to K bc more K leak channels
Goldman-Hodgkin Katz eqn =
and ratios of ions
Vm = RT/F ln (pK [K]o + pNa [Na]o + pCl [Cl]i ) / (pK [K]i + pNa [Na]i pCl [Cl]o )
pK : pNa : pCl = 1.0 : 0.04 : 0.45
Vm prediction for cell that is only permeable to Na and K?
bw the two but closer to K
short lived change in membrane pot
nerve cell AP vs cardiac myocyte AP
nerve cell faster and different shape
Voltage gated Na channel cycle
closed (resting) then it gets activated (which is depolarized) to an open state. This is pos feedback (hodgkin cycle).
channel open for a short time and then gets inactivated. in inactive state channel open, but loop swings shut. Then channel recovers by removing the loop and closing the channel. Channel can recover from inactive state until cell is repolarized back to resting membrane pot
6 characteristics of an AP
1- triggered by depolarization of resting membrane pot- something has to disturb the cell at rest
2-threshold - no threshold reached, no AP
3-Reverse polarity
4-All or none
5-Propagates without decrement down the axon
6-Refractory period - can’t fire another AP
Hodgkin cycle
- pos feel back cycle once we reach threshold
- this is responsible for the rapid depolarization we see during AP
- As more Na enter, membrane gets more pos (depolarization), so incr P more voltage gated channels open and more Na enters.
What happens during rising phase of AP?
-permeability of Na is greatly increased (was 0.04 now 20) this means during depolarization, were driving the membrane pot toward nernst equil potential for Na
During the rising phase of AP, why don’t we reach the nernst equil pot for Na?
1- inactivation of Na channels
2-activation of voltage gated K cannels
relative permeability for different ions
incr membrane pot incr conductance