Neuro 3 Clinical App Flashcards
hippocampal amnesia
bilateral lesions of hippocampi def in anterograde mem (can't learn new) def in spared procedural and working mem
korsakoff’s syndrome
thiamine def, alcoholism
degen of mammillary bodies, hippocampal complex and dorsomedial thalamic nuc
can’t retain new mem, no short to long mem
hard to understand written material and meaning convos
confabulate (frag mem into ones that didn’t occur)
loss of smell
from viral infection of mucose, obstruction of nasal passages, congenital, chear of cn1 or tumors of floor ant cranial fossa
olf hallucination
smell when no odor present
lesion of ant/medial temporal lobe
hippocampus, amygdala, or medial dorsal thalamic nuc
kluver-bucy syndrome
bilat temporal lobe lesions in amygdala
visual agnosia, hyperorality, hypermetamorphosis(intensively explore enviro or overreact to visual stim), placidity (no showing of anger/fear), hyperphagia (eat lots), hypersexuality
uncal herniation
Uncus and parahippocampal gyrus over the tentorium cerebelli edge, through tentorial notch
compress: midbrain
dilated pupil, slowly (shows side 90%), abnormal eye movements (cniii)
weak m oppo of dilated pupil
respiration affected/abnormal reflexes
conduction deafness
def to obstruction/altered transformation of sound to tympanic mem or through ossicle chain (wax buildup, middle ear infection, stapes)
sensorineural deafness
dam to cochlea, cnviii, or cochlear nuc (ipsi deaf)
central deafness
dam to central pathways
bc of crossing - NOT DEAF
past the cochlear nucleus it is hard to follow conversions (can’t make out voices from background noise)
aica occlusion
monaural hearing loss (ipsi)
ispi facial paralysis and inability to look to the side of the lesion (pontine gaze center - horizontal)
auditory agnosia
perceive sound, but can’t identify it
unimodal sensory association cortex bilaterally (primary/secondary auditory cortex)
wernicke’s area lesion
w. aphasia, receptive or fluent aphasia
can’t understand/comprehend said or written
alexia, agraphia, can talk but has no meaning
in gen - can’t get/know whats going on, isn’t aware something is wrong
broca’s area lesion
b. aphasia, expressive or non-fluent aphasia
loss of ability to speak fluently, written grammer issues, can understand spoken and written lang, know whats going on = depressed
can have mutism (severe)
less severe - limited speech, slow, telegraphic speech (nonessential words omitted)
“no if ans or buts” can start to say but struggle to finish
global aphasia
lesion of lateral sulcus
brocas and wernickes (mixed transcortical aphasia)
receptive and expressive deficits, reading and writing impaired
transcortical lesion
sensory (sim to wern)- fluent, impaired comprehension and naming, mca-pca border zone
motor (sim to brocas)-nonfluent, aca-mca border zone
excessive levels of GH before puberty
stim epiphyseal plates
gh-secreting pituitary adenoma
increased organ, hand, foot, tongue, coarsening facial feat, insulin resistance, glucose intolerance
graves disease
increased levels of of Thyroid stim immunoglobulins stim t3/4 syn
TSH low, TH high