Neuro 1 Flashcards
what is bell palsy
idiopathic, unilateral CN VII/facial nerve palsy leading to hemifacial weakness and paralysis due to inflammation or compression
is bell palsy a LMN or UMN disorder
what is responsible for most cases of bell palsy
reactivation of the HSV type 1 DNA in the geniculate ganglion
risks for bell palsy
pregnancy (esp 3rd trimester)
post URI
dental nerve block
sx bell palsy
prodrome - sudden onset of ipsilateral hyperacusis (ear pain) followed by weakness
unilateral facial weakness or paralysis (forehead included) - unable to lift affected eyebrow and inability to fully close eyelid
weakness and paralysis only affects face
taste disturbance involving the anterior 2/3 of the tongue
what is the bell phenomenon in bell palsy
eye on the affected side moves laterally and superiorly when eye closure is attempted
dx bell palsy
dx of exclusion
tx bell palsy
no tx - supportive, artificial tears
prednisone esp if started within first 72 hours of sx onset reduced time to full recovery and increases likelihood of full recuperation
what is the MC overall cause of primary headache
tension headache
sx tension headache
bilateral, pressing, tightening bandlike, viselike, tight-cap, non throbbing (nonpulsatile) steady or aching, occipitonuchal or bifrontal headache, usually mild to moderate in intensity
exacerbating/relieving factors tension headache
exacerbating - worsened w stress, fatigue, noise, glare
not worse with routine activity
not associated w N/V, photophobia, or photophobia or focal neurological sx
PE tension HA
usually normal but may have increased pericardial muscle tenderness (head, neck, shoulders)
dx tension HA
clinical - diagnosis of exclusion (no specific tests)
tx tension HA
simple analgesics - NSAIDs mainstay of tx
Chronic management - TCAs (amitriptyline)
who is most likely to experience a migraine, men or women
75% of all persons who experience migraines are WOMEN
2 types of migraine
migraine without aura - MC
migraine with aura - classic but not common
sx migraine
HA - usually episodic lateralized (unilateral), throbbing (pulsatile) HA localized to the frontotemporal and ocular area; lasts 4-72 hours
associated w N/V, photophobia, phonophobia
exacerbating factors migraine
worsened with routine physical activity
lack or excessive sleep
red wine
hormonal (oral contraception/menstruatioN)
how long do auras typically last for migraine
focal neuro sx last < 60 min