Neuro 1 Flashcards
3 ways a nerve can be injured
transect compress/crush stretch
Wallerian degeneration is? causes death of what? why does it matter? mistakes lead to?
degeneration of distal component of injured axon, causes death of DISTAL segment, important to localize where injury occured, mistakes can lead to neurofibroma (proliferation of axons without rein nervation)
3 examples of trauma to PNS
brachial plexus avulsion eg. HBC, facial nerve paralysis horses, obturator nerve paralysis cows
equine laryngeal hemiplasia also known as? which side? which breeds? cause?
roarer’s, left, tall large breeds, Wallerian degeneration of recurrent laryngeal nerve (left is longer)
4 causes of roarer’s
direct trauma, toxins, inflammation from guttural pouches, or inherited
who gets colonic agangliosis? what is it also known as
American paint horses: white foals with over markings. lethal white foal syndrome
signs of colonic agangliosis/lethal white foal syndrome
foals die within a few days of birth and the GIT is functionally obstructed
history finding of lethal white foal syndrome
lack of myenteric and submucosal ganglia
myasthenia gravis, acquired, is caused by what
immune-mediated Abs against cholinesterase receptors
acqueried myasthenia gravis is linked to what
in some cases thymic abnormalities
what type of paralysis is seen with acquired myasthenia gravis? what would be seen at necropsy?
flaccid; megaesophagus, hypothyroidism, thymoma
three clinical forms of acquired myasthenia graves
generalized, localized, fulminating
cauda equine syndrome is observed in two species, one more than other. what are general C/S and 4 specific ones
horse and then similar condition in dogs. slowly progressive signs relating to hind end: hypotonia (decreases rear end sensation), urinary bladder paresis, fecal retention and colic, rear limb weakness and atrophy
history lesion with cauda equine syndrome
nodular granulomatous inflammation, fibrosis of giant cells
what does acute polyradiculoneuritis progress to? what scary disease could that resemble?
ascending flaccid paralysis. rabies (also both CAN get from raccoons)