Neuraxial Anesthesia Flashcards
How many of each kind of vertebrae are there?
- Cervical (7)
- Thoracic (12)
- Lumbar (5)
- Sacral (5) fused
- Coccygeal (4) fused
Where are the high curves and the low curves in the spine?
- High
- C5
- L3
- Low
- T5
- S2

What are the 5 ligaments of the spine?
Where are they located?
What is their purpose?
- Supraspinous: C5- sacrum
- Interspinous: entire length
- Ligamentum flavum
- foramen magnum to the sacral hiatus
- tough wedge-shaped ligament composed of elastin
- thickest in the midline (3-5 mm at L3)
- called “yellow ligament”
- Posterior longitudinal ligament: posterior surface of vertebral bodies (C2- sacrum)
- Anterior longitudinal ligament: anterior surface of vertebral bodies (C1-sacrum)
- **Purpose of all ligaments is to stabilize the spine

What are the spinal meninges?
- Protective membranes that are continuous with the cranial meninges
- Dura Mater- the thick outer layer
- begins at foramen magnum and ends caudally at the S2/Dural sac
- Arachnoid mater- thinner and pressed up against the dura
- principal physiologic barrier for drugs moving between the epidural space and the spinal cord
- ends at S2- delicate and nonvascular
- Pia- very thin and right against the spinal cord
- separated from arachnoid mater by the CSF in the subarachnoid space

Where does the spinal cord start and finish?
How many nerves does it have?
- Foramen magnum to conus medullaris
- terminates anywhere from T12 to L2
- Usually L1
- sometimes L3 in peds
- 31 pairs of spinal nervs, each with anterior and posterior root

How do you remember what the anterior and posterior spinal nerve roots do?

What is a spinal cord segment?
What is a dermatome?
- Segment- the portion of the spinal cord that gives rise to all the rootlets of a single spinal nerve
- Dermatome- skin area innerved by a spinal nerve and its segment
What are the noteworthy dermatomes?
- C6- thumb
- C7- 2nd and 3rd finger
- C8- 4th and 5th fingers
- Phrenic nerve innervating diaphragm
- T4- nipple
- cardiac accelerators T1-T4
- T6- xiphoid
- T8- last rib
- T10- umbilicus

Rate produced
specific gravity
- 150 ml in the subarachnoid space
- volume replaced 3-4x/day
- 21 ml produced per hour by choroid plexus
- Specific gravity: 1.004- 1.008
How is blood supplied to the spinal cord?
- One anterior spinal artery and two posterior spinal arteries
- these arteries are from branches off the aorta
- the posterior arteries have better continuity of blood supply than anterior
What are the physiological differences of a Sub-Arachnoid Block (SAB) and an epidural?
- SAB- LA is injected into CSF to directly bathe the nerve root; rapid onset of block
- autonomic blockade 2-6 levels above sensory blockade; motor blockade 2 below sensory
- Epidural anesthesia- LA is injected into epidural or caudal space and diffuses through the dural cuff before bathing the nerve root; slower onset
- approx 5 minute onset
- autonomic blockade same level as sensory blockade; motor blockade 2-4 levels below sensory blockade
- not as dense of a block
- good option if pt will not tolerate the large drop in autonomic response of the SAB
What is the goal of a neural blockade?
- Goal: blockade of nociceptive impulses
- it will block all impulses regardless of fiber type
- autonomic
- sensory
- proprioception
- motor
- it will block all impulses regardless of fiber type
Which nerve type are highly sensitive to blockade?
resistant to LA blockade?
- Autonomic nerves are highly sensitive with rapid onset
- Sensory nerves have intermediate sensitivity
- Motor nerves are more resistant to LA and have slower onset
What are the advantages of neuraxial anesthesia?
- decreased incidence of DVT, cardiac morbidity and death
- decreased lower extremity vascular graft occlusion, due to vasodilation which increases tissue blood flow below level of blockade
- decreased incidence of PNA
- decreased stress response
- avoids airway manipulation
- decreased incidence of PONV
- intra and postoperative pain relief
What are the disadvantages of neuraxial anesthesia?
- hypotension
- delayed case start
- failure rate depends on experience
- not a benign anesthetic
Things to consider when choosing a neuraxial technique: (7)
- Anatomy
- Age: younger ppl are easier because the spaces between vertebrae get smaller with age
- pregnancy
- pathophysiology/comorbidities
- sensory level required vs adverse physiological effects
- length of procedure: a spinal gives about 2 hours, can be prolonged a bit with vasoconstrictor and decadron added
- post-op analgesia needs
What are contraindications for neuraxial anesthesia?
- patient refusal (the only absolute contraindication)
- infection at injection site
- bacteremia
- septicemia
- increased ICP
- clotting defects/anticoagulant therapy
- severe hemorrhage or hypovolemia
- CNS disease/meningitis
- hysteria/inability to remain still for block placement
- valvular lesions with fixed stroke volume
- severe AS/MS and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
- difficult airway
- full stomach
- peripheral neuropathies