Neural Development Flashcards
How many connections do neurons make with other neurons?
About 1000
Phase 1 of neural development
Different cells types (neurons, glia, muscle cells) develop independently at widely separate locations in embryo according to local program and are unconnected. (Think differentiation and survival)
Phase 2 of neural development
Axons and dendrites grow out along specific routes setting up a provisional but orderly network of connections between various parts of the system.
Phase 3 of neural development
Continues into adult life, connections are adjusted and regained through interactions with distant regions via electric signals
What provides the supporting framework and nutrition to nuerons being produced?
Glial cells
What does neurons and glial cells develop from?
CNS (brain, spinal cord and retina) is derived from?
Neural tube
PNS (nerves, sensory neurons) is derived from?
Neural crest
Formation of the neural tube
Derived from a single layered epithelium. Starts w/ neural groove on the dorsal side of the embryo that gradually deepens as nueral folds become elevated. Ultimately the folds meet and coalesce in the middle line and convert the groove into a closed tube (neural tube). Center of the tube is called the neural canal
What controls differentiation into neurons?
Delta Notch signaling (lateral inhibition)
Mechanism of delta notch in differentiation of neurons
Signal proteins secreted from ventral and dorsal side of NT act as opposing morphogens, causing neurons at different dorso-ventral positions to express different gene regulatory proteins
What is secreted from the roof plate of the neural tube?
What is secreted by the floor plate of the NT?
Shh (notochord secretes it too)
Where do neural crest cells originate?
Dorsal end of the neural tube
Closure of the neural tube =
Neural crest differentiation several differentiated cell types like:
Neurons and glial cells of the PNS; epinephrine-producing cells of the adrenal gland; many of the skeletal and CT components of the head
What does fate of the neural crest cells depend on?
Where they migrate to and settle
Describe the migration of neurons
Neurons migrate from their original birthplace and settle in a different location. After final division close to the inner face of the NT they crawl along radial glial cells which extend from inner to outer end of the NT
Dorsal neurons of spinal cord receive and relay sensory info from ______ neurons located _______?
Sensory neurons located in the periphery of the body