Networking Systems and Telecommunications Flashcards
3 Different types of Backup Methods
- Differential ? copy all cumulative changes since last full. (takes more space than incremental)
- Incremental ? copy data changes since the last full.
- full
3 Types of RAID
- Failure Resistant Disk System(FRDS)
- Failure Tolerant System.
- Disaster Tolerant System.
only FRDS is currently developed.
Address Resolution Protocol ? ARP matches ip address to an ethernet address.
access through a preprogrammed, unknown access point using DUN or external network connection
Buffer Overflow
DoS attack ? receipt of an excessive amount of data.
Bus Data Network Topology
All transmissions of the network nodes travel the full length of the cable and are received by all stations. (Ethernet)
CHAP Remote Access Protocol
Challenge Handshake Protocol ? authentication using an encrypted key.
DSS Wireless Access Protocol
Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum ? Splits contents of message into smaller bits and decoded at receiver end.
Dual?homed firewall
2 NICS, one on internal side and one on external side
EAP?PEAP Remote Access Protocol
Protected EAP ? like EAP?TLS but easier to administer but less secure due to lack of client?side certificate.
EAP?TLS Remote Access Protocol
Extensible Authentication Protocol, Transport Layer Security ? both client and server authenticate over TLS. Digital certificates are used.Can be confident user is authorized.
EAP?TTLS Remote Access Protocol
Tunneled TLS
Interception of network communication either passive or active
FHSS Wireless Access Protocol
Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum ? Provides no error recovery. Splits available signal bandwidth and segments it.
Internet Control Message Protocol ? used for diagnostics and error correction.
Mesh Data Network Topology
Nodes are connected to every other node in the network. Backbone redundant.
Name and describe the OSI (Open System Interconnect)Model Layers?
- Physical ? electrical and mechanical level(x.21, HSSI,MAC address)
- Data Link ? prep for transfer of data(PPP, SLIP, ARP)
- Network ? handles data routing(IP,ICMP)
- Transport ? negotiates the data exchange(TCP,UDP,SPX)
- Session ? coordinates conversations between apps(NFS,SQL,RPC)
- Presentation ? o/s that associates types of files to programs(TIFF,JPEG,MPEG)
- Application ? not the app, but supports the end?user app process(HTTP,FTP,SMTP,TELNET)
Name the TCP/IP Model layers?
- Link(Network Access) ? x.25,ethernet,token ring, frame relay(layers 1 & 2 of OSI)
- Network(Internet) ? IP, ARP, ICMP, IPsec) (layer 3 of OSI)
- Transport(host?to?host) ? TCP, UDP (layer 4 of OSI)
- Application ? HTTP, FTP (layers 5?7 OSI)
PAP Remote Access Protocol
Password Authentication Protocol ? not encrypted but typically easy to implement on any network
Accessing the system with another user’s valid entery, via incorrect logoff or open session.
PPP Remote Access Protocol
Point?to?Point ? i.e. Dial?up Networking (DUN)
Ring Data Network Topology
network nodes are connected by unidirectional transmission links to form a closed loop.(token and FDDI)
Screened Host firewall
Uses a router to filter data before the data reaches the firewall.
Screened subnet firewall
Uses an external router to review data and bounce back as necessary before reaching the subnet.
Session Hijacking
Taking control of another user’s network connection, via IP spoof.
SLIP Remote Access Protocol
Serial Link Internet Protocol ? connecting one network to another over a single physical line or via modems.
Smurf Attack
DoS attack ? causes severe congestion with ICMP ping response methods.
Convincing a network device to perform an authorized action by masquerading as a trusted user, resource, or file.
Star Data Network Topology
Most used today. Nodes are connected to a central LAN device directly.
SYN Flood Attack
DoS Attack ? A buffer of the TCP initialization flooded with connection requests.
Teardrop Attack
DoS Attack ? An altered offset field in IP packets confusing the system, causing it to crash.
Tree Data Network Topology
A version of bus that invorporates the use of branches
Trusted Network Interpretation(TNI) Evaluation Classes
D ? minimal protection C ? discretionary protection C1 ? discretionary security protection C2 ? Controlled Access Protection (No off the shelf system goes higher than this) B ? Mandatory protection B1 ? Labeled Security Protection B2 ? structured protection B3 ? security domains A1 ? verified protection
Unauthorized Access
Users using their user name and password to access data they are not authorized for.
WAP Wireless Access Protocol
Wireless Application Protocol ? over the internet
Wired Equivalent Privacy ? uses shared secret between client and access point. Can be decrypted in a short time.
WiFi Protected Access ? uses TKIP
WEP Protected Access 2 ? Supports IEEE 802.1ix authentication
Describe DES/DEA
64?bit block size and 56?bit key. It is a 16 round cryptosystem utlizsing S?boxes
Describe the Rijndael block cipher
iterated block cipher with variable block lenght and variabe key length
Describe XOR
Performs binary bit addition where T is 1 if A and B are not equal
During Discovery scanning what does the classification process produce?
Applications running on the target system
During discovery scanning what does the inventory scan produce
A list about the target systems OS and available ports
How does link encyrption operate?
each entity has keys in common with its two neighboring entities thus as a node recives the encyrpted message from its predecessor (neighboring node) it decrypts it and then reencrypts it with the shared key for the succesive node.
How is a one?time pad usually implemented
as a stream cipher by using XOR
How is confusion performed in DES?
How is diffusion performed in DES
In a triple DES encryption notation noted DES?EDE2 what do the letters after DES stand for?
Name common Trojans:
Trinoo, Back Orifice, NetBus, SubSeven
Port 118
Port 119
Port 161
Port 194
Port 2049
Port 389,636
Port 5631
The number of rounds in the Rijndael Cipher is a function of the key size: Given a key size of 128 how many rounds will occur
The number of rounds in the Rijndael Cipher is a function of the key size: Given a key size of 192 how many rounds will occur
The number of rounds in the Rijndael Cipher is a function of the key size: Given a key size of 256 how many rounds will occur
What are four differences in OS implementation of the TCP/IP stack?
Time to Live
Initial Window Size
Don’t Fragment bit
Type of Service
What are some liabilities of PDAs
They do not support DAC
They lack audit capabilities
They don’t support a non?object reuse policy
They provide no data integrity protection
What are the bit strenghts of AES variations?
128, 192 and 256
What are the four modes of DES
Cipher block chaining
Electronic Code Book
Cipher Feedback
Output Feedback
What are the three layers of the Rijndael cipher?
The non?linear layer
The liner mixing layer
The key addition layer
What are the three main components of a polymorphic virus?
A scrambled virus body, a decryption routine, and a mutation engine
What cipher is AES based on?
What do header condition signatures look for?
dangerous or illogical combinations in packet headers.
What do string signatures look for?
text strings that indicate a possible attack
What is a liability of TCP FIN scans?
They work only on Non?Windows machines because Windows Machines send a RST regardless of if the port is open or closed.
What is a SYN/ACK scan
A scanner sends a SYN/ACK packet if the port is closed it assumes the SYN/ACK is a mistake and sends a RST if the port is open the SYN/ACK will be dropped
What is C2MYAZZ?
A utility that enables server spoofing to implement a session hijacking or MITM attack
What is C2MYAZZ?
A utility that enables server spoofing to implement a s ession hijacking or MITM exploit
What is clustering with reguards to cryptography?
a situation in which a plaintext message generates identical ciphertext messages by using the same transformation algorithms but with different cryptovariables or keys
What is logon abuse?
Privilege escalation
What is the best known symmetric key system?
What is the fixed block size for AES?
128 bits
What is the intent of a discovery scan?
to collect enough information about each network device to identify what type of device it is.
What is the intent of an inventory scan?
It provides information about the target system’s OS and its available ports
What is the most basic and fastest type of TCP scan?
TCP connect()
What is the native mode of DES
Electronic Code Book
What is the standard TTL value for HP Jet direct printers?
What is the standard TTL value for most network devices, UNIX and Mac systems?
What is the standard TTL value for most Windows systems?
What is the standard TTL value for Windows 95B/98 systems?
What type of key does WEP use?
A 40?bit shared secret key, a RC4 psuedorandom number generator PRNG encryption and a 24 bit initialization vector
Which modes of DES operates as a stream cipher?
Cipher Feedback and Output Feedback
Which operational mode of DES is most likely to allow errors to propogate?
Cipher Feedback
54 Mbps in the 5GHZ range
11 Mbps
54 Mbps in 2.4 GHZ band
At what layer of the OSI model does Frame Relay operate?
Data link
Describe an ATM network
High?bandwidth, low delay technology that uses both switching and multiplexing. It uses 53?byte fixed size cells instead of frames
How does CHAP prevent against remote client impersonation?
By sending challenge strings at random intervals.
How does CHAP protect against replay attacks?
It does not send the password in clear text an it uses an arbitrary challenge string for each authentication attempt
How many channels (up/down) comprise a Basic Rate Interface?
Two B & one D
How many channels (up/down) comprise a Primary Rate Interface?
1 Single D channel + 23/30 channels for voice and data
How many non?overlapping channels are used in DSSS?
Typically 3
IPSEC can support multiple ______ but not multiple _________
simultaneous tunnels; multiple protocols
It can be said that TACAS and RADIUS are standards based”…what does that mean?”
That they can interoperate with other systems of the same time.
Hamming Code Parity (bit?interleaved parity)
Byte Level Parity
Block Level Parity
Interleave Parity
To create an IPSEC tunnel that provides authentication, integrity and encryption what protocol would I use?
To create an IPSEC tunnel that provides source authentication and integrity without encryption which protocol would I enable?
What are the FCC regulations for FHSS networks?
75 or more frequencies can be used with a maximum dwell time of 400ms
What are the five layers of WAP?
application, session, transaction, security and transport
What are the private IP address ranges?
- 0.0.0 ?
- 16.0.0 ?
- 168.0.0 ?
What are the three classes of WTLS security?
Class 1: anonymous authentication
Class 2: Server Authentication
Class 3: Two?way client and server authentication
What are the two different spread spectrum technologies in use in 2.4GHZ LANs
Direct?dequence spread spectrum(DSSS) and frequency hopping spread spectrum (FHSS)
What are the two primary types of ISDN interfaces?
Basic Rate Interface and Primary Rate Interface
What does TACAS+ provide that TACAS does not provide?
two factor password authentication
the ability for a user to change thier password
the capability for resynchronizing security tokens
better audit trails
What does the application layer of WAP consist of?
The wireless application environment (WAE), a microbrowser specification for internet access, wireless markup language, WMLScript
What does the Transport layer of the WAP consist of?
Wireless Datagram Protocol
What extention to EAP allows for authentication using digital certificates?
What is 802.1X
Port based authentication for security in wireless networks
What is a multiplexer?
It enables several signals to be sent over one physical
What is a Switched Multimegabit Data Service network use for?
to extend LAN like performance to a MAN or WAN
What is Frame Relay?
A high?performance WAN protocol that was originally developed for ISDN and is considered the successor to X.25/LAPB
What is LEAP
it dynamically creates WEP keys making WEP more secure.
What is Link Access Procedure Balanced?
For use in X.25 networks defines frame types and is capable of retransmitting, exchanging, and acknowledging frames as well as detecting out of sequence or missing frames
What is one advantage of MS?CHAP V2 over regular MS?CHAP/CHAP?
Mutual authentication support
What is te most common implementation of RAID
What is the difference between remote journaling and electronic journaling?
Electronic vaulting happens at pretimed intervals whereas remote journaling is real time
What is the early de facto standard for dial up communications
What is the main difference between Layer 2 and Layer 3 tunneling protocols
Layer 2 protocols use frames and Layer 3 protocols use headers
What is the maximum effective radius of a Switched Multimegabit Data Service network?
30 Miles
What is X.25?
The first commercially successful connection oriented packet switching network where packets travel over virtual circuits.
What layer does the Point to Point Protocol operate at?
Data Link
What RFC defines CHAP/PAP
What succeeded SLIP?
What type of authentication does PPP use?
Why is RADIUS not used for router?to?router authentication?
It does not provide support for two?way authentication