Networking Basics Flashcards
What is a Network?
The connection between at least two computers
What is the Internet?
The physical connection of computers and wires around the world
What is the World Wide Web?
Information on the internet, more specifically data on internet servers
What is a Client?
A computer requesting content from the internet
Do clients connect directly to the internet?
What are Servers?
Servers are computers that store websites and data
What do clients connect to in order to get content from the Internet?
An Internet Service Provider (ISP)
What is an IP address?
An address to a computer that is 32 bits long (4 bytes) and separated into four groups
What is a MAC address?
A hard coded address on a computer
What two things does a computer need to connect to the internet?
An IP address and a MAC address
In what form is data sent through a network?
In packets
What is a Router?
A Router device connects devices together and routes network traffic
How does a computer send packets to another computer on the same network?
Through a Router
How does a computer send packets to another computer on a different network?
Packets get sent to a router, which then sends the packets to a client’s ISP’s network, going through many switches and hubs before reaching the destination’s router and then computer
What are Switches and Hubs?
Switches and hubs are also devices that help our data travel. Switches are like mailrooms in a building. Routers get our letters to the building. But once we’re inside, we use the mailroom to figure out where to send a letter. Hubs are like company memos. They don’t know who to send the memo to, so they send it to everyone