Netter's Clinical Correlation - lower extremity Flashcards
common fibular nerve
injury to this nerve from blunt trauma or compression by leg cast weakens dorsiflexion and results in foot drop
neck of femur
common fracture in elderly persons from falls; can lead to AVN of head of femur because of disrupted blood supply
body of femur
midbody is common fracture site in high energy trauma
anterior cruciate ligament
most commonly injured knee ligament, typically from sudden pivot of knee causing excessive Valgus stress couple with medial rotation of tibia
what is the unhappy triad of the knee
and what happens?
medial collateral ligament
medial meniscus
damage to these structures can result from blow to lateral aspect of joint in extension
first metatarsophalaneal joint
joint misalignment leads to hallux Valgus (bunion); wearing narrow shoes can contribute though there is a strong genetic component
most common tarsal bone fracture, usually caused by landing forcefully on heel after falling from a height
ankle joint
most sprains are inversion injuries that occur when foot is plantar flexed, placing stress on lateral collateral ligaments of ankle; fracture often occur to lateral malleolus of fibula and inferior articular surface of tibia
iliotibial tract
can cause lateral knee pain in runners when tight iliotibial tract rubs repetitively across lateral epicondyle of femur (IT band syndrome)
semitendinosus and semimembranosus muscles and long head of biceps femoris muscle injury
excessive stretching or tearing of hamstring muscles occurs most often during high speed running or activities with high kicks
piriformis muscle
piriformis muscle strain or structural variations may produce compression of sciatic nerve
gluteus medius and minimus muscles
paralysis results in contralateral pelvic dip due to weakened hip abduction when standing on affected limb (trendelenburg sign or gait)
calcaneal (achilles) tendon
inflammation results from repetitive stress on tendon, often from running on uneven surfaces; extreme stress may cause tendon to rupture; striking calcaneal tendon with reflex hammer elicits ankle jerk reflex to test S1-S2
innervated by tibial N