NET: Aquinas’ Deontological NML Flashcards
What is a central aspect to NML that is also a central concept in Aristotle’s VE?
“To disparage the dictates of reason is equivalent to condemning the command of God” - T. Aquinas
What does Cicero say about natural law in his book, De Re Publica?
‘True law is right reason in agreement with nature.
It is applied universally and is unchanging and everlasting…
There will be no different laws in Rome and Athens…
But one eternal and unchangable law will be valid for all nations and all times,’
Whose approach to natural law did Aquinas build his thoughts on?
‘…that which is natural is unchangable, and has the same over everywhere…’
- Nichomachean Ethics
Whose writings, in what book of the bible was the influence of natural law found?
The writings of St Paul in the book of Romans
‘Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves…the requirements of the law are written on their hearts’
Romans 2:14-15
What does absolutist mean and why is Aquinas’ view on NML absolutist?
Absolutists are those who hold absolute principles - they don’t rely on anything else, they’re universally valid, they’re ‘total’.
Aquinas believed morality doesn’t change but rather remains constant - it doesn’t depend on circumstances or the time we live in.
According to Aquinas, how is a moral life lived?
A moral life is one that is lived ‘according to reason’.
‘Law is nothing else…
- Summa Theologica, Aquinas
…than an ordination of reason for the common good…’
- Summa Theologica, Aquinas
What are the 5 Primary Precepts that describe the purpose of life for Aquinas?
- Preservation of life
- Ordered society
- Worshipping God
- Education
- Reproduction
What are Aquinas’ 4 tiers of law?
- Eternal Law; principles only known by God.
- Divine Law; the bible, reflects the eternal law.
- Natural Law; theory that an eternal & absolute moral truth can be discovered in nature found by reason.
- Human Law; human made laws to capture natural law (leads to secondary precepts)
What are the secondary precepts?
They emerge from the primary precepts, they are more relative which makes NML more flexible.
Give the secondary precepts for P…
Preservation of life:
- Suicide
- Murder
- Abortion
Give secondary precepts for O…
Ordered society:
- Equality
- Don’t lie
- Work together
Give secondary precepts for W…
Worshiping God:
- Follow his rules
- Follow teachings of the Bible
Give secondary precepts for E…
- Cost free
- Compulsory
- Equal chance
Give secondary precepts for R…
- Contraception
- Abortion
- Agrees with right to a child